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Total found (292)
→ Antiques & paintings (292)

Furniture & interior (845)
Rugs & dishes (489)
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Health & beauty (68)
Sport, hunting, fishing (320)
Books, textbooks, dictionaries (320)
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Your home, business: buy/sellAntiques & paintings

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling collectible miniature cars, inexpensive. (718) 864-4801

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling paintings (canvas/oil), marble, porcelain figurines. (347) 304-6131

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a collection of rare American coins. (646) 709-6259

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling edged collectible weapons. (347) 304-6131

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling collectible edged weapons, all in excellent condition. (718) 864-4801

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a collection of bladed weapons, excellent condition, inexpensive. (718) 864-4801

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling paintings, antique postcards. (718) 259-7449

Antique handmade carpet

Antiques. The carpet is over 100 years old. In great condition. Dimensions - 2.85*5. Woven personally for the hero of the Kazakh people - Amangeldy Imanov. Handmade, natural paints and materials. With images of animals. Made in the only copy in the world, personalized!!! There is an expert opinion on historical and cultural value from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation!

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling American silver coins, $3/piece. (347) 761-2549

Coins of Tsarist Russia

I will buy / sell coins of tsarist Russia.

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling rare pennies from 2009. (646) 709-6259

Antiques, paintings, collections

I will sell antique collectible museum dolls in national costumes of the peoples of the world. (551) 248-2001

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a vintage candle holder for 5 candles. (929) 633-8925

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling American silver coins. (347) 761-2549

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling collectible dolls. (718) 259-7449

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling American silver coins. (347) 761-2549

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling paintings (canvas, oil). (646) 709-6259

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling coins from South America, the Caribbean and Europe. (718) 536-6053

Antiques, paintings, collections

I will buy antiques. (929) 215-1046

Antiques, paintings, collections

Buy American silver coins. (347) 761-2549
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