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Job application consultant

Employment requirements, application procedure. We offer training in writing resumes and interviews, followed by employment in a legal position in America (health insurance, pension, paid vacation, etc.) Your previous work experience and education are important. We select housing within walking distance from the place of work and the ocean. Vacancies in Miami: ⁃ Drivers of all categories ⁃ Builders and utility workers ⁃ Cooks and dishwashers ⁃ Warehouse, store ⁃ Cleaning, fast food Promotion: only $100 includes a course on the LinkedIn program and two face to face interviews with the employer, at which you, as an applicant, can demonstrate your knowledge and desires. You must have documents (SSN, ID), email, cellphone, bank account, certificates, recommendations and licenses. We provide assistance with spoken English, food stamps and transportation. Call now for a free consultation at: (407)972-5348 DISCLAIMER: We're a team of highly skilled and experienced independent LinkedIn consultants who specialize in providing top-notch assistance with resume drafting, mass applications, and interview preparation to help you secure the job of your dreams. Please note that while we do our best to assist you in every way possible, we can't guarantee employment since the final decision rests with the employer. It's also important to mention that we're not a leasing employee company and don't enter work contracts or have access to payroll. Furthermore, we're not a talent agency and don't represent artists or athletes. However, according to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, our activities don't require licensing. To learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your career goals, feel free to contact us today.

Date Added: 12/29/2023 | Last Updated: 12/29/2023 | Page Views: 52
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I'm looking for an assistant to work at an employment agency, preferably a young guy. Requirements: 1) Perfect Russian 2) Spoken English 3) No documents (work for $10 cash per hour). 4) You cannot speak languages that no one in our office speaks. Some knowledge of Spanish would be a plus. 718-234-5083 Call from 9:00am to 3:30pm Monday through Thursday. Or come to the office on the same days from 10am to 2pm 7709 17th Ave, Brooklyn, NY.

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