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Let's pick up the graves of people close to our hearts in Russia

Hello everybody!

I represent GravesCare Caring for the Departed. We are ready to organize remote cleaning of burial sites, work with monuments, enclosures in Russia.

We have been working for a long time, and have helped hundreds of people not to throw the graves of their relatives and friends.

When organizing work, we always take a photo or video review of the burial site BEFORE and AFTER the work. When purchasing any materials, we show receipts, calculations.

Examples of work and a list of services can be viewed on our website:

Always in touch:
WhatsApp: +79300332833
Telegram: @managergravescare
Mail: [email protected]

We are always glad to talk!
All goodness, success and happiness!

Date Added: 07/28/2021 | Last Updated: 07/28/2021 | Page Views: 83
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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