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Looking for a girl in Philadelphia

Hello, looking for a girl in Philadelphia meeting

Date Added: 03/15/2024 | Last Updated: 03/15/2024 | Page Views: 25
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He is looking for her

A citizen is looking for a girl to start a family; financial situation and status do not matter. (347) 827-9151

Financial support for a girl ($100,000)

I offer financial support to a girl from 30 to 45 years old with a child
in exchange for weekly meetings a couple of times a week.
Financial support in the amount of $100,000 (one hundred thousand) per year. No obligations or promises.
Purely business proposal. I'm 53, tall, big.
I’m very busy, so I don’t have time for a date or romance.
Write to [email protected]

He is looking for her

60, looking to meet a woman, for short meetings. (516) 779-0583

Він шукає її

Стрункий, середнього зросту, 59, познайомиться з діловою, цікавою, стрункою, 47-55, для цікавих, ділових зустрічей. (917) 325-6523

Romantic dates

An interesting man, middle-aged, who has been in the country for a long time, wants to meet a woman under 45 for romantic meetings and friendship... ready to provide financial support [email protected]