Male, 52 years old, looking for any job. Warehouse, base, retail outlet. Experience in logistics, working as a warehouse manager. Language - Russian, English - intermediate level. Legal status
Date Added: 09/05/2024 |
Last Updated: 09/05/2024 |
Page Views: 28
Girl, 22 years old, originally from Belarus, Green Card, spoken English, looking for a job in trade or customer service! Work experience in America - consultant in a perfume store - 1 year; work experience in the Republic of Belarus - office secretary - 1 year. Economic education in the Motherland t/347-636-7958
Looking for a job as a salesperson in a NON-food store, part-time. Conversational English. Attentive, neat, responsible. Preferably Brighton, Sheepshead Bay and nearby areas. Payment in cash. Offers by phone or email.
Good afternoon, my name is Elena, 26 years old. I offer my services in New York City - Administrator - Nail service master - Targeted advertising Facebook Instagram - Barista - Any other sources of pleasant income