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Looking for a job ❗❗❗

Hello❗❗❗, my name is Alexander, I’m looking for a job, I have SSN and work authorization✔️ I’m easy to learn, stress-resistant, ready to consider all options. In the USA for half a year already. Local work experience: moving and puttying at a construction site, I work on my English every day. I have 5 years of experience in sales - I was the manager of a chain of sports nutrition stores, ran several advertising pages for the company on Instagram (I wrote and created posts and stories myself), and before that I also worked for 5 years in a weak point - fire alarm, burglar alarm, video surveillance, I can make decisions quickly. I’m ready to learn a new profession, my number is +13476999089, you can call at any time, write in telegram or WhatsApp. I live in Brooklyn ❗❗❗

Date Added: 03/05/2024 | Last Updated: 03/05/2024 | Page Views: 15
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