Male, 47 years old, Russian, physically strong. All necessary documents available: HHA Certificate, SSN, Employment Authorisation, medical certificate. Work experience in the specialty in a home care agency - 9 months. (More than 30 English-speaking patients) Intermediate level of English. Ready to work directly or through an agency. $20/hour, at least 40 hours a week. One permanent case. 16466339667 Konstantin [email protected]
If you are an interesting person at an interesting age looking for a companion who would listen with interest to your interesting life stories, then this is for me. And I could also pamper you with delicious dinners and pleasant walks in nature. I am waiting for you with impatience.3477390864
Woman, 48 years old, originally from Kazakhstan, pure Russian speech, legal status in America, higher education, drives a car, looking for a job as a nanny or housekeeper! experience as a nanny in Moscow - 5 years; experience as a nanny in the USA - 1.5 years; There are recommendations Will consider options with and without accommodation! //t 347-636-7958//
California (Los Angeles) URGENT! Housekeeper for a family of 5. Need experience working in a family in America. 6 days with accommodation - $960. Can work 5 days - $160 per day. Ticket is paid from another state. Call +12015520881