About myself Philip. 26 years old. All documents available (green card, ssn). English intermediate I have experience working in the USA: moving, warehouse, delivery and assembly of furniture, cleaning. I live in Queens. I will consider any offers. The preferred method of communication is mail, telegram, if necessary, I will send a CV.
Date Added: 07/29/2024 |
Last Updated: 07/29/2024 |
Page Views: 45
32 years old, from Ukraine, have a higher economic education, have been in the USA for 8 years, have a green card, have a pleasant appearance, are easy to train, punctual and responsible, no bad habits. I have experience working in the USA in stores and online sales on eBay, Amazon, and Photoshop. I am fluent in English and Russian, and know MS Office computer programs. Will consider offers in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens.
36 years old, from Russia, have a higher education in Economics, have been in the USA for 2 years, have a green card, have a pleasant appearance, are easy to train, punctual and responsible, no bad habits. I have experience working in the USA in stores and online sales on eBay, Amazon, and Photoshop. I am fluent in English and Russian, and know MS Office computer programs. Will consider offers in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens.
Looking for a job as a sales consultant in a clothing/shoe store for full/part time. Conversational English. Attentive, neat, responsible. Preferably Brighton, Sheepshead Bay and nearby areas. Payment in cash. Offers by phone or email.