Looking for partners in the States
Good day My name is Marat. For a couple of years now I have been actively and successfully creating and selling portraits from words in Russia and Kazakhstan. I have a large and stable flow of orders. There are really a lot of orders. At the moment, I decided to expand and offer a profitable partnership. The point is - I am looking for people who can organize the placement and promotion of custom portraits from words, in the United States (through online platforms), it will also be necessary to deal with logistics. I will make digital layouts for printing, find the cheapest printing house, materials for promotion. I am ready to take on the initial costs of printing - negotiable. The average selling price is $ 99, I plan $ 50-60 for printing and logistics, $ 10 are mine, the partner takes the rest. Write - I will tell you more about everything) Better in tg @Baalbek