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I have seen good reviews about Zakhara more than once. I didn’t dare to apply, but then I realized that it was in vain. Here is how it was. In general, I turned to many fortune tellers when my first husband, with whom I had lived for more than one year, left - I just spent a lot, but to no avail. I have come to terms with it. Time passed and I met a very good man, with whom we lived together for a long time. What can I say, he even treated my son like his own. But, as in the case of the first husband, the beloved suddenly left. I fell into despair, but it’s good that I found Zakhar, although I no longer hoped for anything. He really helped me. Despite the fact that he can be very strict and often speaks only to the point, he returned my beloved to me. I did everything I needed to do. Now my beloved and I have already married and I have given birth to his daughter. I sometimes turn to Zakhar to this day. Here is his number +380954248510 viber/whatsapp

Date Added: 06/21/2024 | Last Updated: 06/21/2024 | Page Views: 11
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