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Hello! I recommend Alexandra to everyone - a strong specialist. When he guesses and makes diagnostics, he sees such things that it takes your breath away. When I turned to him with fortune telling, I wanted to bewitch the guy and was looking for someone who could do it. But Alexander dissuaded me, since in my case it was not necessary. A different approach was required. Essentially, he worked with me on an energetic level. As a result, my chosen one came to me to talk about his feelings, it turns out that he also loved me, but was embarrassed to say so. So I got an excellent solution to the issue that haunted me, and found happiness with the person I love very much. Thank you very much Alexander! I will always be grateful. Alexander's number is +380971792179, both Viber and WhatsApp are available

Date Added: 07/13/2024 | Last Updated: 07/13/2024 | Page Views: 41
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I don’t know if six months is a long time or not. How painful, bad and scary it is. Fear for the future, how to live further. We lived together for 13 years, everything was fine, he blew away specks of dust from me, and one day he said that he had stopped loving, it turned out that another one appeared, he went to her. We had quarreled before, but without fanaticism, everything was like everyone else, an ideal, as it seemed to me, FAMILY. We were planning a second child, and then abruptly - I love someone else. Immediately shock, then unbearable pain, and then just emptiness... I saw the child, tried not to cry in front of the child. Where did so much cynicism come from, I couldn’t believe that he was so cold-blooded about everything. I tried to move on with my life, took care of myself, my child, many friends, all the time trips, events, guests, but there was a hole in my soul. I miss him so much... I really wanted to get him back... Friends advised me to contact Linochka. After the diagnosis, I had hope. Linochka very sweet and pleasant, she supported me all the time while she was performing the ritual. And I waited for the day when my husband called me himself. He came with flowers and asked for our forgiveness, swore that it would not happen again... We discussed everything, left the bad things in the past and began to live as before. Now everything is fine with us, we live as we lived before (even better). Linochka helped me a lot, I don’t know how I would have coped on my own. I recommend Linochka to everyone, here is her number +380997482235 (Viber/Whatsapp)

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Clairvoyant from God, Mrs. Teresa



Psychic Healer.

Psychic Healer

Diagnosis and removal of negative energy

  • Removal of damage, love spells, magical and psychological influences.

  • Energy cleansing and restoration

  • Help in solving personal and family problems

  • Protection from the evil eye and damage

  • Individual approach to each client

  • Confidentiality in work