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Mag. Healer. Opening of the Roads!

MAG. Psychic Healer.
I work from photos. Photo diagnostics are absolutely free. Just send a photo to my email: [email protected] .
On my website you will find detailed information about my services.
Addressing the effects of COVID disease and vaccination. Treatment of Oncology and other diseases.
Removing damage, love spells, magical and psychological influences.
Severing connections with troubled souls, exorcism, eliminating energy outflows and attachments.
Restoration of the energy structure, subtle bodies, chakras, harmonization of the life path.
Correction of ancestral, personal and reincarnation karma, removal of ancestral vows and curses.
Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, communications, removing prohibitions.
Installation of protection.
Liberation from fears, negative attitudes, postulates and blocks.
Opening of roads.
Shaping a new desired future.
Tarot consultation
Your first session is absolutely free!
Support, accompaniment, training, counseling after cleansing 21 days (24/7.)
+19295004103 for contact. Send photos to e-mail: [email protected] or WhatsApp

Psychic Healer.
Working with photos. Photo diagnostics are absolutely free. Just send your photo to my email address: [email protected] .
You can find detailed information about my services on my website
I specialize in:

Eliminating the effects of illness and COVID vaccination.
Treating Oncology and other diseases.
Removing curses, love spells, magical, and psychological influences.
Breaking ties with restless souls, exorcism, eliminating energy drains and attachments.
Restoring energy structures, subtle bodies, chakras, and harmonizing life paths.
Correcting ancestral, personal, and karmic issues, removing ancestral vows and curses.
Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, communications, and lifting restrictions.
Providing protection.
Freeing from fears, negative beliefs, postulates, and blocks.
Opening paths.
Shaping a new desired future.
The first session for you is absolutely free!
I also offer support, guidance, training, and counseling for 21 days (24/7) after the cleansing procedures.

For communication, call +19295004103 or send photos to my email: [email protected] , or via WhatsApp.

Date Added: 12/02/2023 | Last Updated: 12/22/2023 | Page Views: 39
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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Маг. Цілитель. Відкриття Дорог!

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