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I have seen good reviews about Zakhara more than once. I didn’t dare to apply, but then I realized that it was in vain. Here is how it was. In general, I turned to many fortune tellers when my first husband, with whom I had lived for more than one year, left - I just spent a lot, but to no avail. I have come to terms with it. Time passed and I met a very good man, with whom we lived together for a long time. What can I say, he even treated my son like his own. But, as in the case of the first husband, the beloved suddenly left. I fell into despair, but it’s good that I found Zakhar, although I no longer hoped for anything. He really helped me. Despite the fact that he can be very strict and often speaks only to the point, he returned my beloved to me. I did everything I needed to do. Now my beloved and I have already married and I have given birth to his daughter. I sometimes turn to Zakhar to this day. Here is his number +380954248510 viber/whatsapp

Date Added: 01/08/2025 | Last Updated: 01/09/2025 | Page Views: 19
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THERE IS A REAL FORTUNE TELLER, CHECKED.... MY story about love. Unpredictable, crazy love. I am 45. And I did not believe in fairy tales. I was married and not just once. But a man came into my life and changed my life simply radically. Love, passion, well, you understand. Then he just up and disappeared, said that he needed time to think. I was shocked, for a long time I could not understand what was going on. And I turned to a fortune teller, for which I am grateful to her. She said a lot about the past and why he left.. Said that she would help him return. And so it happened. Time passed and he proposed marriage. I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO ONE SORCERES WITCH!!! SHE DOES VARIOUS RITUALS AND SEES THE PAST, THE FUTURE.. I advise, she is very strong!!! I will write you her phone number (+380638055486 WhatsApp/Viber) (+ 1 (929) 713-3433 regular phone)

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I want to share my story too. When the war in Ukraine started, my husband sent me and the children abroad. He said he was afraid for us, but he stayed. I couldn't find a place for myself there, everything was foreign and I couldn't live without him. Before that, we had never been apart for 15 years together, soul to soul. At first, we often called each other, and then less and less often. He explained that he was at work and came home very tired. But my soul ached a lot, I was very worried about him. I felt that we were drifting apart. I decided to go back, I didn't tell him anything. When we arrived in Ukraine, we immediately went home. I opened the door and froze.. SHOCK.. My beloved husband with a young girl. I didn't have time to say anything when he told me that he loved her and would live with her in our apartment. I took the children and went to my parents. God only knows what pain I experienced, I blamed myself for leaving. My heart was breaking into pieces, tears constantly choked me, I did not want to live without him. And then my mother gave me the number of the clairvoyant Varechka, said to call and she will help you, since she herself contacted her and she helped. I calmed down and called Varya, we agreed with her for the evening. I was surprised when from the first minute she began to say why I contacted her. And indeed, everything she told was true. For my husband, she said that she would help me get my husband back. To be honest, after talking with her, I even calmed down. Varechka worked with me for 7 days, always supported me. My soul became calm. And two weeks later my beloved husband arrived with a large bouquet of white roses. He asked me to forgive him, the devil tempted me. He promised that this would not happen again. The children were happy, and I was very happy. We all returned home together, now everything is fine with us .. even better than before. I am very grateful to Varechka, I don't know what she does - but she is really a sorceress!!! I recommend!!! Her number is +380632574828 Viber