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The squad came after me. For how long we have lived, I have given everything so that I can be happy. And one day I came home, and there she was, collecting her speeches. She said that she doesn’t love me anymore and I’m moving on to something else... I took away the gift of language, I’ll be in love again. She took the baby and left. Not finding her place for a long time, she tried to turn around, but she almost didn’t want to. Out of hopelessness, I turned to the clairvoyant Deer, and I couldn’t say anything. Vaughn spoke with such precision. I said who I went to and why. I asked for help. And after 7 days the squad turned back to the child. There is something in this world that we do not understand and cannot explain. I want everyone to please Olena, she can really help with the twisted hvilina. Phone +80936532445 Whats app/Viber

Date Added: 06/11/2024 | Last Updated: 06/11/2024 | Page Views: 17
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Hello! I recommend Alexandra to everyone - a strong specialist. When he guesses and makes diagnostics, he sees such things that it takes your breath away. When I turned to him with fortune telling, I wanted to bewitch the guy and was looking for someone who could do it. But Alexander dissuaded me, since in my case it was not necessary. A different approach was required. Essentially, he worked with me on an energetic level. As a result, my chosen one came to me to talk about his feelings, it turns out that he also loved me, but was embarrassed to say so. So I got an excellent solution to the issue that haunted me, and found happiness with the person I love very much. Thank you very much Alexander! I will always be grateful. Alexander's number is +380971792179, both Viber and WhatsApp are available

Магічні послуги

МАГІЧНІ ПОСЛУГИ. Консультації. ПСИХОЛОГІЧНА ДОПОМОГА. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ поличкам і на всі ваші запитання вже є відповіді! Усі Ритуали я проводжу Білі чорне та без відкату! Для виконання будь-яких обрядів, ворожінь, діагностики мені потрібна ваша фотографія. Фотографія підійде будь-яка, яка у вас є, так само знадобляться повні імена та дати народження. Якщо Ви бажаєте замовити приворот, то будуть потрібні Ваша фотографія і фотографія, того на кого націлений приворот, а також його ім'я та дата народження. Давність фотографій не важлива. - ВАЖЛИВО! Ритуал провожу протягом доби відписуюсь як усе минулося. Усі ритуали починають працювати першого дня після проведення обряду. Результат моєї роботи можна побачити вже першими днями після проведення ритуалу. (Зазвичай це тиждень-два) - (Будь-які Консультації цілительством, привороти, відвороти, дуже великий спектр послуг дзвоніть та уточніть! - Працюю дистанційно (на відстані) по фотографії, що дуже зручно, їхати нікуди не треба! 1.) ДІАГНОСТИКА ПО ФОТО : Даний вид послуги є базовим і з нього, як правило, починається будь-яке спілкування з магом. Спочатку ви розповідаєте, що вас турбує :) Далі ми разом з вами виявляємо корінь проблеми і знаходимо способи її вирішення. Якщо діагностика виявляє негативні програми, пробої по чакрам, (псування, пристріт, приворот, прокляття, поклад, егільєт та інші проблеми у вашому житті) я усуваю ці проблеми та ставлю захист. Наявність негативних програм впливає на Вас і на ритуали, що проводяться! Viber, WhatsApp +79605497965

magical services

18+ Read carefully, everything is laid out here and all your questions already have answers! I perform all rituals white and black and without rollback! To perform any rituals, fortune-telling, diagnostics, I need your photograph. Any photo you have will do; full names and dates of birth will also be required. If you want to order a love spell, you will need a photo of yourself and a photo of the person the love spell is aimed at, as well as his name and date of birth. The age of the photographs is not important. - important! I carry out the ritual within 24 hours and write back how it went. All rituals begin to work on the first day after the ceremony. The result of my work can be seen already in the first days after the ritual. (usually this is a week or two) - (any healing consultations, love spells, lapels, a very wide range of services, call and ask! - I work remotely (from a distance) using photographs, which is very convenient, you don’t need to go anywhere! 1.) diagnostics from photos : this type of service is basic and, as a rule, any communication with a magician begins with it. First, you tell us what worries you :) then together with you we identify the root of the problem and find ways to solve it. If the diagnosis reveals negative programs, breakdowns in the chakras (damage, evil eye, love spell, curses, blessings, egilette and other problems in your life), I eliminate these problems and provide protection. The presence of negative programs affects you and the rituals performed! Viber, whatsapp+79605497965

Clairvoyant and healer from GOD GRANDMOTHER MARIA

Clairvoyant and healer from GOD GRANDMOTHER MARIA For more than 50 years she has been helping people Get what they want in the shortest possible time! In his work he uses ancient Hungarian methods and ancient village spells! • Burns negativity, restores unhappy fate, provides effective protection from envy and anger • Corrects fate, both present and future • Possesses the gift of white magic • Settles family and personal problems, marital fidelity and well-being • Attracts good luck in business, returns husbands and loved ones • Removes the ancestral curse from both a person and his family, including from a photo • Lights life candles • Establishes protection against all types of damage without causing harm to the health and biofield of a person ANY MAGICAL ASSISTANCE AT A DISTANCE Pre-registration by phone: +79854244056


If everything in life is not entirely good, suffering, mental pain and you are waiting for it to end, then someone is doing all this to you.