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I would like to advise everyone and at the same time express my gratitude to Andrey. My story is like this. There were problems with the young man. He began to constantly hang out with friends, very rarely appeared at home, and in the end he finally packed up and went to live with his mother, explaining that he was tired of our relationship. He flatly refused to communicate. This came as a shock to me. But when I found out that he had someone else, I completely lost heart and thought that the situation could not be changed. And this despite the fact that everything went wrong with him in just a couple of months. I wanted to at least understand why? It was inexplicable. But I decided to fight. I turned to grandmothers and fortune tellers, but this did not give any obvious results. Thank God I found Andrey! To be honest, I was amazed. During the first conversation, we discussed the problem, he clearly told me what happened to me, what caused it, we decided on what could be done and in what order, and I asked for help. During the work, the results were not long in coming. My beloved began to get in touch, apologized, returned home, the relationship improved and he proposed to me. Now I'm married and happily married. I will always be grateful to Andrey! His phone number is +380932169225 You can write to Viber or WhatsApp

Date Added: 12/11/2023 | Last Updated: 12/22/2023 | Page Views: 19
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I would like to leave my review of gratitude to Milena, she helped me return my husband to the family. Everything was fine, but I began to linger on the work, then the rudeness, then I stopped noticing at all. I understood that something was wrong, I took his phone and saw these SMS correspondence. The ground disappeared from under my feet, my vision grew dark. Everything in my head was just spinning around. I was shaking. I could barely wait for the morning. I ran to my friend, I didn’t know what to do. She didn’t say anything to him. Of course, my friend immediately took control. We called Milena. She helped her with her work. I didn't even say anything. She told everything herself, even told how we met. And she said that she would help. And now my husband confesses his love to me. Gave me a car. He said that there is no one better than me. I asked for forgiveness for everything. Now everything is fine with us. Now I know for sure that in this world there are people with abilities that we cannot explain. Thank you Milena for helping people!!! Here are her contacts +80936532445 Whats app/Viber


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Сталося так, що раптово залишилася без коханого - він пішов до іншої. Різко, без пояснень. Я просила його повернутися або пояснити в чому причина - без толку. Він поставив мене скрізь у чорні списки і заблокував у соцмережах та месенджерах. Власне кажучи, було не до хорошого і я почала шукати допомоги нехай навіть у Вищих сил... Щоб зрозуміти здібності людей зверталася погадати. Зрозуміла, що багато хто просто не може розібрати навіть простих речей. Але деякі, щось говорили складне. У пошуках вирішила не зупинятися, поки не знайду дійсно того, хто зможе побачити деталі. Так я якось на форумах знайшла відгуки про Михайла. Дуже хороші. Вирішила звернутися... Він, не питаючи мене ні про що, розповів про моє життя такі деталі, які ніхто не міг знати. Власне він і прояснив у чому річ, а я попросила допомогти мені все виправити. Михайло не відмовив та зміг чітко провести необхідні роботи. Завдяки цьому мій коханий повернувся до мене і став ввічливим і дбайливим як ніколи. Номер Михайла +380933782050 Viber та WhatsApp


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