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I will always be grateful to the magician Zakhar! This is a very sensitive, attentive and courteous person who understands the problem with which people turn to him and can really help. He sees right through the situation - even when you ask for a fortune, he doesn’t actually ask anything, but says it himself. I heard and read that there are such people, but my experience of contacting many fortune tellers suggested the opposite - some of them could see something about me in general terms, but many were clueless. Zakhar really impressed me. Down to the details and facts from life. I immediately asked him to carry out the necessary work to return the love of my dear man, with whom we broke up more than six months ago. It all took no more than ten days and my beloved was nearby, and three weeks later he proposed to me. We are happily married and raising a daughter. It’s good that I realized in time that I needed to fight for my own. It’s good that there are people like Zakhar who can help. I'll leave his number +380954248510 Viber WhatsApp

Date Added: 02/26/2024 | Last Updated: 02/26/2024 | Page Views: 18
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LILICHKA!!!! Thanks to her for her help!! I will leave a review for her here so that people know that there is such a person!! I had a situation in my family when my husband and I were like strangers after long, happy years of life. He became like a stranger to me and the children. I called Lila... Without telling her anything, she saw everything herself and told me a lot of things, which I was very surprised by. I realized that she would help me. I did everything as she told me and exactly 12 days passed and he came home. Everything happened as Lilya said, so it worked out with him. Now we are together and thanks to Lilya, everything is fine with us. I recommend Lilya, she really helps. Her number is +380638055486 (Whatsapp Viber).


Вітаю! У мене були проблеми із чоловіком. Вирішила боротися за своє і почала шукати того, хто зможе це зробити. Перечитала всі форуми та відгуки, почала дзвонити за контактами. Так і звернулася до мага Захара під приводом погадати. Він розповів все в деталях сам нічого не питаючи. Навіть із іменами. Вразило. Одразу попросила провести необхідні обряди. Завдяки цьому за кілька тижнів ми з чоловіком відновили стосунки і він повернувся до мене. Я дуже вдячна Захару за допомогу звертайтеся і ви до нього рекомендую +380954248510 WhatsApp та Viber є.

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