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Good afternoon everyone! I suffered greatly from the lack of someone close to me, every time the relationship ended the same way... Quarrel. Tears. Breakup... And then I met my man, fell in love with him at first sight. We dated him for half a year, I was dizzy with happiness , there wasn’t a minute that I didn’t think about him. When I found out that I was pregnant and ran to him at work to tell him, he told me that we had to break up... Without explaining anything to me, he left. How many mournful nights I spent and didn’t I knew what to do, but he never showed up. A month later, a friend came to see me and I told her my situation. She immediately told me to call Mila and she would help me. I dialed her. After talking with her, it somehow became easy and I understood that everything would be fine. Without seeing a person you can tell everything about him. Mila took away the crown of celibacy from me, performed a ceremony to strengthen the relationship, and literally a few days later my beloved called, and then came to live with me with things! And when I found out that he would be a father, I was very happy. She really helps people and has incredible abilities! Her tel. +80936532445 Whats app/Viber

Date Added: 09/07/2024 | Last Updated: 09/07/2024 | Page Views: 60
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I myself did not fully believe that evil exists before. Love spells, witchcraft, damage where is it and where is my family? But life has shown the opposite... My beloved was literally stolen by a co-worker from work. He left home a week ago. When he took his things, he was not himself at all. What can I say... In a word, I began to look for someone who could at least explain, and not to mention return - I did not hope. So, among many, I found the magician Andrey. A man with a real gift!!! When he was fortunetelling and doing diagnostics, he was able, unlike others, to name such details that goosebumps went down my skin... I decided and asked him to do everything possible. He did an excellent job and my beloved was at my feet ten days later. And no matter what anyone says and how they treat such influences, I will always be grateful to Andrey for returning my happiness!!! I will leave Andrey's number +380932169225. By the way, you can write to Viber and WhatsApp. All the best!


More than once I heard good things about Zakhar. I didn’t dare to get angry, but then I realized that it was for nothing. On the right it was like this. Vzagali, I worked my ass off for a fortune, since I was the first person with whom I had lived for more than one river, but I spent a lot, but to no avail. I calmed down. An hour later, I met a very good man, with whom we lived together for a long time. What can they say here? Ale, as I have fallen out with the first man, Kokhany raptovo pishov. I fell in love, but it was good that Zahara knew, although I didn’t trust myself to anything. You can really help me. They don’t care about those who are even suvorous and often speak only at the right, turning me around. Having collected everything needed. They already signed up with their parents and I gave birth to my daughter. Until Zakhar I am brutalized and donina. Axis yogo number +380954248510