Magician. Healer. Astrologer. Tarot reader. Karma correction. Opening of Roads!
Magician. Healer. Opening of Roads! Opening of Roads! I work from photos! I conduct diagnostics of the entire energy structure of a person: the state of energy centers and the degree of opening, the fullness and blockages of energy centers (reasons for blockages), the state of subtle bodies, the presence of attachments, damage, curses, thefts. Diagnostics from a photo (free), send photos to e-mail: [email protected]. Diagnostics and wax casting. Removal of damage, love spells, curses, magical and psychological influences. Breaking the connection with restless souls, exorcism, eliminating energy outflows and attachments. Restoration of the energy structure, subtle bodies, chakras and harmonization of the life path. Correction of ancestral, personal and reincarnation karma, removal of ancestral vows and curses. Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, promises, lifting prohibitions. Setting up protection. Restoring the financial channel! Liberation from fears, negative attitudes, postulates and blocks. Opening roads. Forming a new desired future. On my website, you will find detailed information about my services. Elimination of the consequences of illness and COVID vaccination. Treatment of oncology and other diseases. Removal of curses, love spells, magical, and psychological influences. Severing ties with restless souls, exorcism, elimination of energy drains and attachments. Restoring energy structures, subtle bodies, chakras, and harmonizing life paths. Correction of ancestral, personal, and reincarnation karma, lifting ancestral vows and curses. Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, communications, removing restrictions. Installation of protection. Release from fears, negative beliefs, postulates, and blocks. Opening new opportunities. Shaping a desirable new future. The first session for you is absolutely free! I also offer support, guidance, training, and consultations for 21 days after the procedures (24/7). For communication, call +19295004103 or send photos to e-mail: [email protected], or through WhatsApp.
Date Added: 09/23/2024 |
Last Updated: 09/23/2024 |
Page Views: 76
Agrafina, a participant in the battle of psychics of Ukraine in 2013. Magical help, fortune telling, the most difficult and confusing situations. Experience in helping famous people, celebrities, politicians. Protection rituals, protection for business, business luck, money, sales, family, remove damage, lapels, love spells, quarrels, challenges, much more, 25 years of practice, 15 years of VKontakte. TRANSFER of the disease hopeless cases +380975292264, Viber WhatsApp. Help with the most difficult long-standing and urgent problems.
For a long time, everything was going wrong for me: problems with money, with work, with my personal life. I felt tired, broken, as if someone was sucking the energy out of me. I turned to Daria, and she immediately said that I had a strong curse. She performed a cleansing ritual, gave protective recommendations, and a few days later I felt relief! Life began to improve, anxiety and fears disappeared. Many thanks to Daria! If you feel that negativity is directed at you, I advise you to contact her. Her contacts: +1 (646) 377-9379, +38 (099) 682-6298 (Viber, WhatsApp).
I have always been a skeptic about fortune telling, but one day I decided to try it and turned to clairvoyant Daria on the advice of a friend. Daria offered to conduct a fortune telling session on Tarot cards. At first I was a little tense, but her friendly attitude quickly calmed me down. Daria made a layout and began to talk about my past, present and future. I was amazed at how accurately she described my current problems and experiences. She also predicted that in the near future I would receive an important message that would change my life. A couple of weeks later, I really received an offer for a new job, which became a step forward for me. Daria predicted this event with incredible accuracy. Now I am sure that her abilities are real, and I always turn to her when I need help or advice. If you want to know your future or understand a difficult situation, contact clairvoyant Daria. Her fortune telling on Tarot cards is something incredible. Call +1 (646) 377-9379 or +380996826298 WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram.
Experienced tarot reader magician fortune teller Will answer any questions and give an accurate forecast. Anyone who wants to lift the curtain on the future, look into the recent past and get answers to questions about health, business, work, expected emigration, or unrequited love, can contact me right now. Tarot Arcana really helps to look into the future. You just need to ask a clear, concise question and set the framework for receiving an answer. Tarot is a fairly accurate tool for diagnosing and identifying the most likely possibility of the development of upcoming events. Tarot Arcana are also compatible with several esoteric teachings, such as Rosicrucianism, alchemy, astrology or goetia, which are often considered magical because they were kept secret. With the help of cards, a tarot reader sees the most likely scenario for the development of events, not excluding the possibility of other outcomes of the situation. This is what distinguishes a tarot reader from a fortune teller, who is set to receive one specific answer and predicts only one outcome, often programming the client with settings. Viewing any complex or conflict situations. Magical help in step-by-step solution of difficulties and complications that have arisen, both personal and business. Almost every problem always has a solution. If you want to receive recommendations on solving current problems, hear an assessment of your actions in the past, cope with constant failures on the personal front - contact without hesitation and delay +17866281039