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Meeting of the Leaders of the Republican Party in New York

Elections will take place on November 8, and our newspaper acquaints readers with candidates for elective office.

New York Republican Party leaders recently hosted and sponsored by the Brooklyn Republican Party (Brooklyn GOP Chairman Ted Ghorra), at which New York Governor candidate Lee Zeldin delivered a welcoming speech to the gathering.
Lee Michael Zeldin's relatives arrived, like many of us, from Ukraine in the early 20th century, in the 1900s. And now, in the area where they will vote for him, there are many people with the surname Zeldin, and they can be proud that their namesake at such a young age (born in 1980) has achieved a lot in his life: he served in the US Army , graduated from the University of Albany State University of New York at Albany. And after graduating from Albany Law School in 2003, he became one of the youngest successful lawyers, a doctor of law.
Served on active duty in the US Armed Forces for 4 years. He has held various positions in the US Army, including being a military intelligence officer, a prosecutor, and a military master. While serving in the 82nd elite air division in 2006, he was sent to Iraq, along with an infantry battalion of paratroopers. After active duty in 2007, Congressman Zeldin transferred to the Army Reserve. And in 2010, being elected and re-elected in 2012 to the New York State Senate, he proposed many important bills.
Also speaking were Congresswoman Nicole Maliotakis, Alison Exposito for Lt. Governor, Joe Pinion-Us Senate, etc.
Candidates for various elective positions were present: Dmitry Kugel, Joseph Tyron and others.
It was nice to meet the district leaders of the Republican Party Faina Vasilevskaya and Boris Pinkus, employees of the Board of Election Ray Riley Kings County BOE, Chief, as well as excellent teachers Mara Khanukova and Svetlana Zelinskaya, who train inspectors for work in the elections, and people remember with gratitude their invaluable lessons, and of course there were coordinators who work from 5 am to 10 pm in the elections: Susan Goldstein, Mara Khanukova, Oscar H. Atehortua, Svetlana Zelinskaya and others.
It is worth noting that Democrats and Republicans work at the same table in the elections, and this is hard and difficult work, honor and praise to people who take exams in order to constantly improve their skills, for which many thanks to them.
The Republicans invited Democrat Kalman Yeger to speak, who delivered a bright speech to the audience, drawing attention to the growth of anti-Semitism and crime, because all those who care are concerned about security issues, the future of our children and, of course, what to do so that talented people do not leave to Florida and other cities and countries, and returned to New York to make our beloved city a better place to live and raise children.

If you want something to change in New York, from your point of view, for the better, come vote on November 8th.

Early elections will be held from October 29 to November 6

Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 10/04/2022 | Last Updated: 10/04/2022 | Page Views: 88
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