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Modern, turn key, newly renovated salon

Turnkey modern renovated salon
2 floors, 2500 sq. f., fully equipped:
modern HVAC system meeting COVID prevention standards, heating and air conditioning system, manicure and pedicure workplaces. More than 1k new varnishes. Fully equipped with disinfectants, gel milling machines, etc. Fully equipped wax room. Complete makeup station. Lots of storage rooms. Office room. Washer / dryer. Full staff seating area with kitchenette. Plenty of space for an extra wax room, facial room or massage room. Small courtyard to accommodate clients
Please call for more information
(347) 631-5099
Please speak English

Modern, turn key, newly renovated salon
2 floors 2500 sq. ft. Fully equipped with:
State of the art COVID safe HVAC system. Heating and cooling system, manicure and pedicure stations. Over 1K brand new polishes. Fully stocked with disinfectants, nail drills, gel machines, etc. Fully stocked wax room. Full makeup station. Lots of storage. Office room. Washer / dryer. Full employee lounge with mini kitchen. Plenty of space to add an additional wax room, facial room or massage room. Small yard to accommodate clients.

Please call (347) 631-5099 for more information, speak English please

Date Added: 04/13/2021 | Last Updated: 04/13/2021 | Page Views: 87
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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Design, banners, vinyl, sign

The company for printing banners, vinyl, and the production of signs, in addition to laser engraving and UV printing, offers its services. Quickly and efficiently!

How to get into the 1% of successful traders without losing years and money.

1. Learn from those who are able to prove their success by demonstrating their account history for the year. 2. Don't be driven by the herd mentality. If the knowledge gained in well-promoted schools with group training was beneficial, the percentage of successful traders in the long term would be much more than one percent. In personal correspondence, I will provide account histories of both conservative trading of investor funds at 10% per month, and the results of aggressive trading with a profitability of 70% per month. The price of a standard training course with a yield of up to 30% per month, on the day the advertisement is submitted, is 800 €. The price of an advanced course with a profitability of up to 70% per month is 1000 €. The first part of the training, which gives an understanding that this trading strategy allows you to earn real money, costs 200 € (staged payment). Telegram: @Invest_grup_369

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