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Music studio at home "Ivan da Marya" Staten Island

If you want your children not to lose their Russian speech, and at the same time be fond of music, then you are welcome to us! Music lessons with the study of the Russian language and speech production. Group classes from 4.5 years. Also individual lessons: vocals, piano and music class for the little ones. Music studio at home "Ivan da Marya" Staten Island is waiting for new talents!

Date Added: 09/07/2022 | Last Updated: 09/07/2022 | Page Views: 82
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Guitar teacher

Organizer and artistic director of the guitar orchestra of the School named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov. Artist of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra (since 2012). Artist of the Philharmonic Orchestra (since 2018) Artist of the Terema Orchestra (since 2014). Drum school guitarist (since 2016). Do you want to learn to play the guitar? I know how to do it quickly and easily! Own highly effective technique. Vast experience working with children and adults (from 5 to 70 years old) Laureate of international competitions, graduate of the conservatory. Teacher of the highest category at the Rimsky-Korsakov school