home attendance needed for female 48 years old for walks and help at home, female or male, flexible schedule possible, full week or several days, under the CDPAP program Manhattan, near subway A, B, C, D and 1 646 335 2872
We are looking for a nanny for a 1 year old child in NJ with 6 days' accommodation $800\woman 40-60 years old, good Russian, experience!Department, room/ We are looking for a nanny for a 3 year old child Long Island (30 min from Manhattan) with 6 days accommodation $850\woman from 25-40 years old, spoken English .Separate room! \We are looking for a nanny for children 13 years old and 15 years old in Manhattan with accommodation for 5 days $1000 (by check)\woman 30-50 years old, good English, work permit, cook. Separate room\ \Looking for a nanny for a child 1 year old Jersey City 6 days $900 with accommodation\woman 45- 60 years old, pure Russian speech, cooking, experience! Separate room! 347-636-7958
Need a nanny for an 8 month old baby. Work schedule: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9am to 7pm. Pay $16-$17, to be discussed during interview. You must speak either English or Hebrew.