Ladies Fashion Company in New York is hiring women for modeling, fitting and catalog shooting Part-time work schedule, entry-level English Call 212-290-0010 or write to [email protected] - attach your pictures or link to social media
Hello. Part-time job. A journalist or reporter is needed, a freelancer is possible, with good conversational English. Part-time job on the phone. The payment is high, but after the end of the work process, approximately in 3-4 months. More details during negotiations. Email: [email protected]
Want to work in your profession in the USA, but don't know where to start? Not sure of your English? We will help you with this! For training questions, call at any time!
Energy Club in Manhattan is recruiting bartenders and barmaids with knowledge of Russian language salary tips commission, training, no experience required on average 350 per evening. wen-sun 7pm to 3am