The FoodLIF Center for Dietology and Health Normalization Combines in its methodology -nutrition, dietetics and naturopathy. Psychosomatics. Dietology creates diets consisting of healthy and proper food. Nutritiology is the "science of nutrition" and its relationship with human health. It studies nutrition at the cellular level: the action and interaction of food products, their absorption, consumption and excretion from the body, their role in maintaining health or in the development of diseases, issues of preventing chronic diseases through nutrition. Nutrition is based on the understanding that health, quality and life expectancy largely depend on what we eat, what our food is made of, how it is prepared and how we consume it. Naturopathy - natural medicine - is the most ancient medicine. It is based on the postulate of the ability of a person from birth to self-heal and improve health with the help of natural remedies. The fundamental principles of naturopathy are the understanding of the importance of healthy eating, exercise and stress relief, as well as maintaining all-round health. Naturopathy is an approach to the human body as a single whole, where everything works in one system and is very dependent on each other. The psychological dictionary says: "Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and subsequent dynamics of somatic diseases." Psychosomatic diseases are physical diseases or disorders caused by emotional stress. All these methods are combined into one original method of restoring the body. And it brings almost 95% in achieving the goals = that we set with the client at the first consultation. In the center's programs, we can solve the following issues: Health improvement and stabilization program. - weight normalization. - Treatment of food addiction - Food intolerance with allergies - Diabetes mellitus, sugar stabilization - celiac disease, gastritis. Our original methods will help you normalize your weight with tasty, varied nutrition - Daily selection of an individual menu, personal account. - Formation of correct and healthy eating habits Follow the link to the site -, get to know our center, and leave a request for the first free consultation with a nutritionist. Only until 12/15.. 20% discount on the center's programs. Health to you and your loved ones.
Date Added: 09/24/2024 |
Last Updated: 09/24/2024 |
Page Views: 19
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Consultation with a psychosomatologist-nutritionist online Psychosomatics is a field that studies and explains the influence of stress and experiences on psychological and physical health, dietetics, the science of nutrition that studies and substantiates the principles of nutrition for various diseases.. Psychosomatics often occurs in those who react very violently to diverse situations. The most common cases include: life difficulties, due to which a person experiences negative emotions for a long time; stress, increased level of tendency to worry and difficulties in adaptation; events that have had the greatest impact on life. life experiences, past events, and most importantly, your attitude to the current situation. Almost half of all human diseases can be of a psychosomatic nature and depend on life experiences, past events, and most importantly, one’s attitude to the current situation - heart and vascular infarctions) - gastrointestinal tract - nervous system (chronic headaches, tension pains, dizziness) - skin (neurodermatitis, relapses of psoriasis) - gynecological, including those related to the reproductive cycle of women - endocrine, and many others. Only in a comprehensive manner can health issues be resolved. In the center’s programs, we combine nutritional technologies and a psychosomatic approach, and this gives us the opportunity to get a complete and almost 100% result of our work. An individual nutrition plan awaits you, which is compiled personally for you, recipes are selected for dishes that are tasty and healthy. -Support from a nutritionist 24/7 -Access to an office with a compiled menu, with calculation of CCL, PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATES, AND FATS on any digital device. With us it’s delicious and interesting, and most importantly - the result. Leave a request for the first free consultation with a nutritionist-psychosomatologist on the website and you will receive a discount on all programs of the center.
The FoodLIF Center for Dietology and Health Normalization Combines in its methodology -nutrition, dietetics and naturopathy. Psychosomatics. Dietology creates diets consisting of healthy and proper food. Nutritiology is the "science of nutrition" and its relationship with human health. It studies nutrition at the cellular level: the action and interaction of food products, their absorption, consumption and excretion from the body, their role in maintaining health or in the development of diseases, issues of preventing chronic diseases through nutrition. Nutrition is based on the understanding that health, quality and life expectancy largely depend on what we eat, what our food is made of, how it is prepared and how we consume it. Naturopathy - natural medicine - is the most ancient medicine. It is based on the postulate of the ability of a person from birth to self-heal and improve health with the help of natural remedies. The fundamental principles of naturopathy are the understanding of the importance of healthy eating, exercise and stress relief, as well as maintaining all-round health. Naturopathy is an approach to the human body as a single whole, where everything works in one system and is very dependent on each other. The psychological dictionary says: "Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and subsequent dynamics of somatic diseases." Psychosomatic diseases are physical diseases or disorders caused by emotional stress. All these methods are combined into one original method of restoring the body. And it brings almost 95% in achieving the goals = that we set with the client at the first consultation. In the center's programs, we can solve the following issues: Health improvement and stabilization program. - weight normalization. - Treatment of food addiction - Food intolerance with allergies - Diabetes mellitus, sugar stabilization - celiac disease, gastritis. Our original methods will help you normalize your weight with tasty, varied nutrition - Daily selection of an individual menu, personal account. - Formation of correct and healthy eating habits Follow the link to the, get acquainted with our center, and leave a request for the first free consultation with a nutritionist-psychosomatologist .. 20% discount on the center's programs. Health to you and your loved ones.
With the natural and easy method of acupressure, you can lose 5-10% of your weight in just 10 days - without medication, without strict diets, without intense training and without invasive procedures!
Many weight loss solutions only offer temporary solutions or require invasive, grueling procedures. That ends here! The Sadhin Method focuses on applying pressure to specific points located behind the ears using Sadhin Spheres. By stimulating these points, the therapy helps suppress appetite and reduce food cravings, making it easier to eat less and feel satisfied on a low-calorie diet. Detox to Improve Metabolism This method focuses on detoxifying the body’s major organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system, to improve metabolic efficiency. When the body is cleared of toxins, it processes nutrients more efficiently and burns fat more effectively. This detoxification process is believed to play a role in participants’ rapid fat loss. In the first 10 days alone, our clients are guaranteed to lose between 5-10% of your weight in pounds. That means a person who comes in at 160 pounds will lose 8-16 pounds in the first 10 days. These results are typical and guaranteed. -No exercise: While regular exercise is beneficial, the Sadhin method claims to help you lose weight without requiring vigorous physical activity. This may appeal to people who may have difficulty exercising due to health issues, injuries, or lack of time. -Non-invasive:** No surgical procedures are involved. In addition to short-term weight loss, the Sadhin method is said to provide several long-term health benefits: 1. **Treat diabetes:** By reducing body fat and following a low-glycemic plant-based diet, people can improve blood sugar regulation. This may help control or prevent type 2 diabetes. 2. **Lower blood pressure and cholesterol:** Losing weight, especially in the abdominal area, can lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. The detoxification process and diet of the Sadhin method are aimed at naturally improving cardiovascular health. 3. **Improved Mood and Reduced Anxiety:** Weight loss and detoxification can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and increase energy levels. Acupressure can also promote stress relief and emotional balance. 4. **Anti-Aging and Immunity:** The method places a strong emphasis on detoxification and whole foods, which can help the body repair itself, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. These factors contribute to anti-aging effects by promoting cellular health and reducing oxidative stress. 5. **Better Sleep:** As people lose weight and detoxify their body’s systems, they may find that the quality of their sleep improves. Regulating hormones like cortisol and melatonin through better nutrition and stress management can also help with sleep disorders. Start your transformation today with a **FREE consultation and $25 off your first visit. CALL CHRISTINA: 929-283-3800 929-283-3800 TEXT ME 929=260-2277 OFFICES IN BROOKLYN, QUEENS, MANHATTAN + STATEN ISLAND
Consultation with a psychosomatologist-nutritionist online
Psychosomatologist-nutritionist consultation online Psychosomatics is a field that studies and explains the impact of stress and anxiety on psychological and physical health, dietetics, the science of nutrition, studying and substantiating the principles of nutrition for various diseases. Psychosomatics often occurs in those who react very violently to various situations. The most common cases include: life difficulties, due to which a person experiences negative emotions for a long period of time; stress, an increased level of tendency to experience and difficulties in adaptation; events that have had a greater impact on life. life experiences, experienced events, and most importantly, their attitude to the current situation. Almost half of all human diseases can be psychosomatic in nature. and depends on life experiences, events, and most importantly, your attitude to the current situation - heart and blood vessels (heart attacks) - weight normalization - eating disorders - gastrointestinal tract - nervous system (chronic headaches, tension pain, dizziness) - skin (neurodermatitis, relapses of psoriasis) - gynecological, including those associated with the reproductive cycle of women - endocrine, and many others. Only a comprehensive solution to health issues. In the center's programs, we combine dietetics technologies and a psychosomatic approach, and this gives us the opportunity to get a full and almost 100% result of our work. You will find an individual nutrition plan, which is made personally for you, recipes are selected recipes for dishes, tasty and healthy. - 24/7 nutritionist support - Access to an office with a compiled menu, with the calculation of KKL, PROTEINS, CARBOHYDRATES, and FATS on any digital device. With us it is tasty and interesting, and most importantly - the result. Leave a request for the first free consultation with a nutritionist-psychosomatologist on the website +380 96 771 2654