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Online learning languages

Online platforms for learning languages: App, schools, courses, community Pick from 40+ languages Learn more: EDUGROUP.BIZ/LANGUAGE

Date Added: 02/21/2024 | Last Updated: 02/21/2024 | Page Views: 24
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Fun language courses made by experts

Online platforms for learning languages: App, schools, courses, community Pick from 40+ languages Learn more: EDUGROUP.BIZ/LANGUAGE

Трансформація карикатурної англійської до голлівудсько-гарвардської

Всесвітньо відомий викладач та лінгвіст-поліглот Михайло Шестов – розкриває секрет швидкого освоєння будь-якої мови. Ця видатна людина, занесена до Книги Рекордів Гіннесса, знає легкий, швидкий та цікавий спосіб вивчити іноземну мову, розвинути пам'ять, підвищити рівень ерудиції тощо. Десятки тисяч людей вже відвідали його семінари, мільйони завантажили заочні курси та успішно використовують отримані навички. Не пропустіть можливість приєднатися до них.



School training subjects in Russian and English via Skype. School subjects in English and Russian

Teacher of several school subjects, including English, higher pedagogical education - Moscow Pedagogical University, department of Geography and Biology, additional pedagogical specialties - English and Psychology. Fluent English, basic knowledge: German, French and Polish. I have the first teacher category (Master degree) in Russia. I have taught English all grades at schools and colleges in Moscow and Moscow region, often taught other subjects: Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science (IT, software: C, C++, Python), History, Mathematics, Physics, Art , etc. While working, I took advanced training courses (English language and Information Technology). In summer I often worked as a translator at enterprises in Moscow region, after school lessons as a tutor of English and other subjects for children of preschool and school age (from 3 to 18 years old). I have twice visited the USA (training and practice in various fields of US education). Teacher/teacher of several subjects, including English. Moscow Pedagogical University, Faculty of Geography and Biology, additional pedagogical specialties - English and psychology. Fluent English and basic knowledge: German, French and Polish. He taught English in all classes at schools and colleges in the Moscow region and Moscow, and often taught other subjects: geography, biology, chemistry, computer science (IT, software: C, C ++, Python), history, mathematics, physics, art, etc. .d. During his work, he took advanced training courses (English language and information technology). In the summer, he often worked as a translator in the institutions of the Moscow region, after extracurricular classes as a teacher of English and other subjects for children of preschool and school age (from 3 to 18 years old). Twice visited the USA (training and practice in different areas of education in the USA).

Fun language courses made by experts

Online platforms for learning languages: App, schools, courses, community Pick from 40+ languages Learn more: EDUGROUP.BIZ/LANGUAGE