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Total found (328)
→ Other (328)

Childcare & babysitting (678)
Cleaning & housekeeping (724)
Drivers & transportation (320)
Auto services (27)
Construction & architecture (384)
Education & training (134)
Laundromats & Factories (51)
Accounting & finance (49)
Salon & spa (119)
Hotels (16)
Jewellers & security (15)
Administrative & office (37)
Medicine & fitness (55)
Art, music, & dancers (65)
Newspapers & broadcasting (12)
Offices (42)
Furniture & sawing (22)
Sales & shops (84)
Restaurants & clubs (85)
Real estate & travel (7)
Lawyers & assistants (15)
Art & design (26)
IT & software development (48)
Technicians (49)
Marketing & PR (32)
Student & part time jobs (12)
Volunteers (2)
Other states & countries (4)
JobsLooking for a jobOther

Family driver

Weekend driver On-call courier Rent a car with driver Family driver Personal driver

Looking for a job ❗❗❗

I'm looking for a job! I will consider any proposals, I am ready to learn new things, in hand: SSN, work authorization, OSHA 40, driver license permit. Phone number +13476999089.

searching for employees through social networks

I will help you find the required workers through posts on social networks in New York and the USA. Cost $150/month, $80/2 weeks (347) 274-5687


Repair work on household and industrial equipment. (347) 299-7898


Electric bicycle repair work. (347) 772-0508


Haircutting work at your home, $10. (917) 245-1898


Work as a massage therapist at home, for women. (917) 261-6961


I repair guitars and all stringed instruments. (718) 916-0447


I tune and repair pianos. (718) 916-0447

Looking for a job!

Good afternoon My name is Natalya, I am 47 years old. I arrived from Ukraine a week ago. I'm looking for a job in cleaning, as a nanny, I can look after the elderly. I have almost 20 years of experience working in a jewelry store. Documents are in process, I speak Russian and Ukrainian, English is weak, I’m starting to learn.

Translator from Russian and Ukrainian to English, Spanish and Portuguese!!!

Good afternoon. My name is Volodya. I am a certified Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish and Portuguese translator. I work with written and oral translations. Phone: (347) 764-2587 Volodya Website:

looking for a job

I'm looking for a job. Trade, Evaluation of services, sales. Many years of experience in America, English, Ability to communicate with people. I will be glad to any suggestions, preferably for Cash. 347 407 6477

Looking for a job ❗❗❗

Hello❗❗❗, my name is Alexander, I’m looking for a job, I have SSN, work authorization, OSHA 40 hours ✔️ I’m easy to learn, stress-resistant, ready to consider all options. Experience in the USA: moving, puttying, installation and maintenance of security and access control systems (low current). I myself am from Russia, I have had 5 years of experience in sales there - I was the manager of a chain of sports nutrition stores, I managed several advertising pages for the company on Instagram (I wrote and created posts and stories myself), I can make decisions quickly. I’m ready to learn a new profession, my number is +13476999089, you can call at any time, write in telegram or WhatsApp. I live in Brooklyn ❗❗❗


Sea Gate, looking for a job. (917) 664-1418


Woman working on a cache. (917) 847-4704


Queens, job, female from Ukraine, 58 years old. (347) 933-9660


A man is looking for a job. (347) 500-7555


Computer repair, data recovery setup, home visit. (718) 502-3937


I'm looking for work at home assembling various small items or any other home-based work, cache. (347) 206-8273


Manicure at home. (347) 772-0508
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