Hang shelves on the wall, mount TV on the wall, change the lock, assemble/disassemble furniture, help with household problems, etc. I will always be happy to help you. I will arrive on time from my work and ask for a very reasonable payment. I live 11234 BROOKLYN. Call or send a message to 6468996610.
Looking for a job as an Architect - designer in Brooklyn or New York. Extensive American work experience. Knowledge of NYC Zoning and Building Code. Hundreds of completed projects. Dmitry. 917- 361-5661 [email protected]
Zatrudnie od zaraz do pracy na Brooklynie i Manhattanie plumber mechanics, wymagane minimum 5 lat doswiadczenia i prawo jazdy... Po wiecej informacji prosze o kontakt telefoniczny miedzy 10-6pm.