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People of the Torah, you are eternal

On the eve of Passover, the holiday of the People of the Book, an atmosphere of religious tradition reigns, illuminated by sparks of holy light, and a charitable miracle blossoms. Despite the vagaries of fate and the storms of life, our traditions remain unshakable and continue to radiate light, inspiring noble deeds even in the most difficult times. Wherever the small people of the Book live, assimilating, they benefit society.
If there is a synagogue near you or your home, donate what you can, it's important. This year we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the synagogue at Brighton 4, which welcomed Russian-speaking Jews from the first days of immigration. Perhaps someone will remember Rabbi Solomon Simpson, with whom they first sat down at the Passover table 30 years ago, and now the Western Wall has appeared in this synagogue thanks to sponsor Hanan Ben Abraham and his generosity in reconstructing the synagogue, as well as the American company US Levin Group led by Boris Levin and co-sponsor Ruven Gitmate for creating a magnificent façade. Thanks to the efforts of a special committee led by the talented Rabbi David Okunev, the synagogue in Brighton can now pray at the Western Wall, inlaid with natural Jerusalem stone.
A lot of charitable work in the synagogue on Brighton 4 is carried out by Yakov and Chaya Lipovetsky, volunteer Mikhail Paler and others. And of course, before the holiday, a large number of people received food packages by simply standing in
queue on the street next to
THE CONEY organization does good things for people, and the important thing is that if the casino opens, it will create new jobs on Coney Island, which is extremely important. Special thanks go to young entrepreneur Dmitry Kugel, representative of THE CONEY, whose impeccable gesture of kindness brought warmth to the hearts of many people, reminding them that they are not forgotten.
Dmitry Kugel and an employee of Griestedes Supermarket personally delivered the matzo in their cars and, together with Pavel Vishnevetsky, president of the New York Association of Ghetto and Concentration Camp Prisoners, helped unload it. Thanks to everyone who participated in this noble cause. Sincere gratitude to Vladimir Ripa, president of the Holocaust Survivors Charity, as well as Anna Lagunova, who brought matzah to the elderly in the evening.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 04/18/2024 | Last Updated: 04/18/2024 | Page Views: 13
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