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PERSONAL TRAINING BRIGHTON/MANHATTAN Certified trainer Work experience - 8 years Training experience - 14 years I work with physical and mental condition. The first changes in appearance, mood and psychological state will be noticeable within a month. Directions - fat burning/muscle mass gain/figure correction/posture correction/general physical training. I train in Brighton in a private gym. I can come to you in Manhattan if there is a gym in the building or training in the fresh air. I can also offer online management. Our interaction includes creating a nutrition program to suit your goals. I will provide a free consultation via PM or telegram before the start of classes. I bring my work to fruition. @merzeey - telegram

Date Added: 01/09/2024 | Last Updated: 01/09/2024 | Page Views: 33
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УРОКИ БОКСУ для дітей та дорослих
Поруч із Брайтоном
2 рази на тиждень • $200/місяць
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I invite YOU and your children to INDIVIDUAL KICKBOXING classes!!! I will teach you the correct technique of punches and kicks, improve your physical condition, teach you how to do pull-ups, push-ups...(General physical training general physical training, special physical training SFP, elements of CROSSFITT (for martial arts) Fitness for health!!! In general, everything that you have dreamed of for so long and could not start.... NOW is the time!!! Any AGE, ANY level of preparedness, days and times of classes are negotiable, classes are held on your territory! TRUST YOURSELF AND CHILDREN TO PROVEN SPECIALISTS!!!Trainer: current athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia World Champion, winner of the World Martial Arts Games, multiple Russian Champion in K1, Russian Champion in K1 among professionals Master of Sports in boxing!Higher pedagogical education, experience in sports more than 25 years