HALLO! M'ai names LUSY! I'am currenty seeking employment here in the United States remotely or live in "VOCALIST/ BLOGGER" Experience: MANAGER at the company United States "Uehat", Manager on working with bloggers, LIVE broadcast presenter/ Streamer in the application: BIGO LIVE, LIVE ME, LIKE, YouTube ( vocals, dancing, i write posts, do the show, sing, dance) Administration in the application Live Me Telephone: +79275769698 WhatsApp: + 7927565293, Telegram: @LucyKot Email:[email protected] ADMIN in the application Live Me
Looking for a job: A sound engineer with good equipment is looking for a job.
Looking for a job: I have my own sound equipment, mixer/speakers. Microphones, stands, light beams. I have demos/videos on YouTube. There are recommendations from clients. There are experienced vocalists and musicians in the team. You can select artists using the link. www.youtube.com/@NewYorkSkyRunBand
Good afternoon, my name is Elena, 26 years old. I offer my services in New York City - Administrator - Nail service master - Targeted advertising Facebook Instagram - Barista - Any other sources of pleasant income
Medium size Model needed. Part time job. 16$/hour, 20 hours a week, cash. Fitting for clothes production. Office in Manhattan. Schedule an appointment for interview. Call 212-290-0010 or write to [email protected] - attach your pictures or link to social media
A vocalist with experience in restaurants and without experience who actively participated in Karaoke platforms is required. Payment depends on experience. Contact email [email protected]