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Portrait against the backdrop of business

I was riding my motorcycle on the highway and was hit by a car and it ran away. Who is going to pay my medical bills? Geico, which is my insurance company, refused.
In New York, motorcyclists do not have what is called "no-fault" coverage, meaning their car insurance company will not pay for their medical treatment or time off work. If you have private health insurance, you can use it to pay for treatment after an accident.
I was taken to Coney Island Hospital in July and fell out of bed while being taken for a checkup. X-rays showed a broken ankle but I was only released a few days ago. Can I sue them?
Yes. First, because Coney Island Hospital is a public city hospital, you have 90 days to file an initial claim against them and one year and 90 days to begin a lawsuit. Second, because those 90 days begin to run from the last date you were treated for your injury.
The ceiling in my house collapsed on my little child. She said her head was hurt. The manager came and fixed everything. Is there anything we can do, this shouldn't happen?
In order to make a case for your child's injury, they must have a documented injury and treatment that is appropriate for the injury. That means you must take them to the doctor, get a CT scan, see a neurologist. I also hope you took pictures of what the ceiling looked like after the collapse with all the debris. That will be helpful for your case. Otherwise, you will need a witness statement from the property manager about how they repaired the ceiling. If there are still stains on the ceiling, take a picture. I would talk to the neighbors upstairs to see if there was a leak.
I was riding my bike along the embankment and my bike wheel fell into a hole. I went home and later found out I had broken a rib. I didn't take any pictures but maybe I can find the spot. Can you help?
I can help if you know where you fell and we can take pictures of the area. Then we must prove in writing that the NYC Parks Department knew about the defect 90 days before the accident. The City of NYC will request a hearing and once the notice of claim is filed with our office, we will prepare you for the hearing and attend it with you.
What is the best way to get a police report of a traffic accident? What is the cheapest way?
The best and cheapest way is to go to any precinct in New York and get one for free about 3-4 days after the accident. Bring your ID with you.
I fell on the escalator at Bloomingdales while going up, but their management says they are not responsible for this incident. Can I contact you as a lawyer?

Our consultations are free and after the contract is signed we can request all incident reports, video surveillance and other documentation from Bloomingdales. Having represented many similar cases before, I can tell you that Bloomingdales has a service company that services the escalators that has its own insurance coverage and a cleaning company that cleans the entire store and they do not have separate insurance from Bloomingdales. So after we receive the insurance we will contact a Bloomingdales representative to provide us with the contact information for the escalator service company and the cleaning company regarding your claim.

Law Office of Irene H. Gabo, P.C.
1517 Yoorhies Avenue, Suite 4, Brooklyn, NY 11235
917 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021

Date Added: 09/04/2024 | Last Updated: 09/04/2024 | Page Views: 64
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