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Printing place requires a worker with knowledge of computer, photoshop, English

The Printing place requires a worker with knowledge of a computer, Photoshop, and English. Write a message to the phone number about yourself in English (or call)

Date Added: 02/11/2024 | Last Updated: 02/11/2024 | Page Views: 28
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Printing place requires a worker with knowledge of Photoshop and English

Details by phone number

Printing place requires a worker with knowledge of computer, photoshop, English

The Printing place requires a worker with knowledge of a computer, Photoshop, and English. Write a message to the phone number about yourself in English (or call)

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- required: Merchandiser-Planogram Specialist! -Location- Brooklyn, NY! -Job Type: 40 hours per week / salary $15-$18 per hour. -Experience in the field required -Work permit required