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LILY IS A TRUSTED PERSON!!! I APPROACHED MANY HERE AND FOR A LONG TIME I COULD NOT FIND A PERSON WHO COULD HELP ME. YOU ARE A MIRACLE!! I DON’T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT, BUT WITH YOUR GIFT YOU WERE ABLE TO GIVE ME BACK MY BELOVED PERSON, MY LOVE. It’s like I’ve gone crazy, he packed his things and left, with such anger and hatred towards me. I thought I couldn’t survive, I took a long time to gather myself and decided to look for a CLAIRVOYANT. LILICHKA YOU ARE MY ANGLE, I don’t even know how to express my gratitude to you. You are the only one who said everything exactly about my past and gave me a guarantee that you will return it. TIME PASSED, EVERYTHING YOU SAID AND AS YOU DID SO IT HAPPENED. Those who are really looking for help and can’t find it, I RECOMMEND LILY.. I’ll leave you her phone number, call 380638055486 (WhatsApp Viber).

Date Added: 06/17/2024 | Last Updated: 06/17/2024 | Page Views: 27
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Good day to all. I had a problem too. There was no way I could get married. And there were gentlemen and they met, but somehow it didn’t come to a marriage proposal. The relationship ended before it even started properly. And this doesn’t matter at 20 or 25, but when you get older you realize that something is wrong here. At every meeting, my relatives did not miss a moment to discuss my “problem”. I was left alone with my problem. One fine day I met an old friend, and after listening to my “problem,” she advised me to turn to a clairvoyant, whose services she herself had used more than once. I didn’t really believe in all of this, but since I was in a situation from which I didn’t see a way out, I turned to Linochka. Linochka helped me, she told me everything about me, she was doing a great job of guessing, it gave me goosebumps, how can a person see and know everything? about a complete stranger, she accurately determined that I was wearing a wreath of “celibacy” and helped solve my problem. After meeting Linochka, my life finally got better. I met my Seryozha. And tomorrow we will celebrate our wedding anniversary. I am very grateful to this wonderful person and indeed, who has the gift, I am confident that everything is within her capabilities. For everyone who is looking for help, I leave a phone number +380997482235 Viber/Whatsapp

Healing of the physical body and soul, activation of the Body of Light. As a gift!!!

Healing from diseases, activation of the Body of Light! Watch the healing stream Please support me with a donation for energy exchange Rubles (RUB), US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR).: Healing session (Sacred Names) www. Thank you for your support! These Holy Names heal the physical body and soul. They heal diseases such as: Sinusitis, sinusitis; fibroids; cysts; asthma, HIV AIDS, hepatitis C, kidney stones, gallstones, panic attacks, immune restoration, nervous disorders and others. Before you start working with them, you need to receive a NEUTRAL KARMIC IMPLANT from your Mentors Guardian Angels! WITHOUT IT, THE ENERGIES FROM THE SACRED NAMES MAY NOT WORK AT FULL POWER OR NOT WORK AT ALL!!! (everything is individual). You need to say, sitting or standing with your eyes closed, 10-20 times: Spirit, My Mentors - Guardian Angels Give me a Neutral Karmic Implant! Stand for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed, if you received a Neutral Karmic Implant, you will become HOT! If it doesn't get hot, repeat until it gets hot!!! Everyone is different, maybe it will work out right away, or maybe even after the 20th try! You can do it every day or as you feel better! This Neutral Karmic Implant neutralizes negative KARMA that prevents you from developing spiritually. Only after this can you start practicing with the Holy Names! They need to be read along with my recording, you can lie down, sit or stand (you can with your eyes closed, or print out the Sacred Names and read from paper). 1-2 repetitions a day are enough, do not overstrain the body, the Sacred Names are very powerful! In the future, it will be possible to repeat more, 3-4 times a day.