I rent a large, furnished, isolated room for a long term to a young man without bad habits. There is a separate bathroom and shower. From September 1 of this year. All details by phone.
Date Added: 08/08/2024 |
Last Updated: 08/08/2024 |
Page Views: 33
ROOM FOR RENT after renovation in 2 BDR flat near N, F trains. All bills included. Only for short term for woman or girl ($900 for 1 person or $1300 for two) (347) 933-5599
Kings Hwy area A bright roomis available for rent from November 1st for 1-2 working women Metro, shops nearby $1,000+bills split in half (516) 777-9777 David
From October 1st, a small furnished 1-bedroom apartment in Brighton is available for rent without inspections. $1650 per month including all bills and Internet. Working, without bad habits, non-smokers, no animals.
Avenue X and West Street. The owner rents out the 2nd floor of a private house walk-through sunny furnished room with internet to a working non-smoking young man. $620 + light. Nearby are "F" and "N" trains, bus, shops, laundry. (718) 954-2410