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Requires a DoorDash account. Renting a courier account costs $120 per week.

Date Added: 02/24/2024 | Last Updated: 02/24/2024 | Page Views: 58
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Several companion positions in one community at once

If you are a family or group of people who are experts in housekeeping and caring for the aging generation and would also like to stay together, then there is no better opportunity than to take advantage of the companion vacancies in the picturesque area of the New Orleans suburbs. You can live and work next door to each other, help your roommates together, and share the same car. By luck, we found this community of lonely pensioners who, to varying degrees, require non-medical assistance. After studying their profiles, you should always follow the daily schedule and habits of your pets. There is plenty of abandoned land, as in other countries, when parents do not go to nursing homes, but live out their lives in villages, while their children have already moved to cities. Companion vacancies are available with or without accommodation, for several hours and days or a full week. You can look after the elderly at home or in a shelter, one at a time or in groups. If seeking a position, please review the requirements for guardians and application rules. View answers to frequently asked questions. These messages are pinned to the top of the screen. Contact us if you have qualifications and agree to pay for registration, more information on the telegram channel

REQUIRED Remote Work Urgently required employees

Hello, we are looking for employees to work remotely with a high salary. A smartphone is required. All information in the bot in the telegram below

There is such a profession - companion

Application via the link We have vacancies in all cities. This is a non-medical profession. It is advisable to have a car. Your responsibilities will be cleaning, cooking, shopping, general housekeeping and traveling together. Payment from 15 per hour and for transport separately $0.65 per mile. Full and part time. The vacancy is suitable for older people. Fill out the form and we will contact you.