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I'll rent a courier account for $160 per week

Date Added: 04/09/2024 | Last Updated: 04/09/2024 | Page Views: 9
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У Нью-Йорку потрібні

Люди з досвідом роботи на кухні в кафе, автомеханіки (бензин і дизель), оббивальник меблів з досвідом роботи, пекарі з досвідом роботи, web програмісти, зварювальники, теслярі, швачки. Телефонуйте з понеділка по четвер до 4pm 718-234-5083 або приходьте до нас в офіс 7709 17th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11214 з понеділка по четвер з 9am до 4pm. У NYC wanted: Upholstery worker with experience, bakers with experience, mechanics (gas & diesel), kitchen workers, web programmers, welders, carpenters, tailors, sample makers. Call Us from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm or come to our office 7709 17th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 1121

Several companion positions in one community at once

If you are a family or group of people who are experts in housekeeping and caring for the aging generation and would also like to stay together, then there is no better opportunity than to take advantage of the vacancies of a companion in the picturesque area of the New Orleans suburbs. You can live and work next door to each other, help your roommates together, and share the same car. By luck, we found this community of lonely pensioners who, to varying degrees, require non-medical assistance. After studying their profiles, you should always follow the daily schedule and habits of your pets. In fact, there are many abandoned places here, as in other countries, when parents do not go to nursing homes, but live out their lives in villages, while their children moved to cities. Companion vacancies are available with or without accommodation, for several hours and days or a full week. You can watch them at home or in a shelter, one at a time or in groups. If seeking a position, please review the companion requirements and application rules. View answers to frequently asked questions. These messages are pinned to the top of the screen. Contact us if you have qualifications and agree to pay for our consultations. Telegram channel @my_miami_jobs

Шукаю помічника для роботи в офісі

Шукаю помічника для роботи в агенції з працевлаштування, бажано молодого хлопця. Вимоги: 1) Ідеальна російська мова 2) Розмовна англійська мова 3) Відсутність документів (робота на кеш 10 $ за годину). 4) Не можна вміти говорити мовами, якими ніхто в нашому офісі не говорить. Небагато знань іспанської буде плюсом. 718-234-5083 Телефонувати з 9:00am до 3:30pm з понеділка по четвер. Або прийти в офіс в ті ж дні з 10am до 2pm 7709 17th Ave, Brooklyn, NY.