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JobsLooking for a jobSales & shops

looking for a job

A middle-aged woman is looking for a job in a store or cafe. For 2-3 days a week. Call 17185999872. Elena.

girl looking for a job

Girl, 22 years old, originally from Belarus, Green Card, spoken English, looking for a job in trade or customer service! Work experience in America - consultant in a perfume store - 1 year; work experience in the Republic of Belarus - office secretary - 1 year. Economic education in the Motherland t/347-636-7958

woman looking for a job

Woman, 30 years old, from Kazakhstan, spoken English, good-looking, trainable. There is no experience in the USA, but in the homeland, experience in a store, has experience in finding a common language with a buyer. Looking for a job in the service sector (landry, factories, shops, etc.) Lives in Brooklyn. // T. 347-636-7958//

girl looking for a job

Girl, 22 years old, originally from Belarus, Green Card, spoken English, looking for a job in trade or customer service! Work experience in America - consultant in a perfume store - 1 year; work experience in the Republic of Belarus - office secretary - 1 year. Economic education in the Motherland t/347-636-7958
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