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JobsJob vacanciesSalon & spa

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Manhattan, work by barber. (347) 922-5152

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

In a busy barbershop, we need a barber with experience, full-time position available. (917) 667-4307

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Brooklyn, male, pedicurist, working in a barbershop. (347) 223-3189

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Hairdresser's assistant, job. (347) 515-5884


Looking for a job in a beauty salon, SPA!!! cosmetologist (I work with face and body), shampoo girl, assistant…. I will consider any offers, except massages, etc. Experience: Cosmetologist-esthetician Hardware cosmetology Figure correction (hardware) UC, RF, EMS, LPG, LDM Laser hair removal Lamination of eyelashes, eyebrows


On July 27, a makeup artist is needed for an event, 3 girls need to be put on makeup, I’m waiting for any questions in tg

Bar-lounge EXCELLENT

We invite guys and girls to work behind the bar making cocktails and working with alcohol; experience is not necessary; documents are not required to teach everything; work for cash - only you must be over 18 years old and pass certification. Sign up for an interview in Manhattan or send an SMS.


Remote work in your free time. Requirements: Must have Internet access via computer or telephone. Men/women, couples, students. No experience required, we teach everything. Knowledge of the language is not required. Conditions: Stable salary 1-2 times a week. Award for the best employees. You can work from anywhere in the world. Salary: $40/hour. Overtime 60$/hour. $5000-10000 per month. We are always glad to see responsible, hardworking, purposeful people in our friendly team. For more information, write to DM Telegram: @job_cashing

LGBT massage company is recruiting massage therapists

An LGBT massage company is recruiting massage therapists. Athletic Guys Wanted!!! Full/Part Time work with and without work experience Cash/Check Income from $200 per day. Payment is strictly made at the end of each working day. Also assistance with accommodation. For questions, write (do not call): 917-908-9485

Women's, Men's hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, Massage therapist

Required: Female, Male hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, massage therapist. We offer: - 50/50 - payments every week - guaranteed pay per shift. - working hours from 9 to 21 o'clock - we help with documents, travel. This is not a recruitment agency, the owner of a beauty salon in New York will answer the phone number. Evgeniy 9592370800


A busy Manhattan salon needs a young, responsible girl. Good conditions, regular customers.

Tel: 646-964-4997


For girls

Slim, well-groomed girls 25-35 years old are required to spend time. European appearance without bad habits. Experience, minimal English, ability to approach work professionally + desire to earn good $$$$ are welcome. We are located in Manhattan. Regular clientele. All $$$$ earned during the day is yours. We pick up/drop off those living in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Send information, write to (347) 953-8553

SPA salon in Manhattan

SPA salon in Manhattan
invites those who come to

Work & travel visas, B2 and F1,
as well as refugees in the following positions:
shampoo girl, wax helper,
massage therapy helper
Free training, daily cache,
assistance with accommodation possible



required girls

929-400-5282 МАССАЖ В очень занятый салон приглашаем молодых, симпатичных, ухоженных девушек разных национальностей для работы по всему Нью.png


Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Middle Long Island, male, female master, full/part-time work, good conditions. (516) 354-2320

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Long Island, barber wanted for a busy barbershop, good salary. (516) 946-4750

Women's, Men's hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, Massage therapist

Required: Female, Male master hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, massage therapist. We offer: - 50/50 - payments every week - guaranteed pay per shift. - working hours from 9 to 21 o'clock - we help with documents, travel. This is not a recruitment agency, the owner of a beauty salon in New York will answer the phone number. Evgeniy 9592370800

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

We need a barber with experience, full-time position available. (917) 667-4307

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Male master with experience, full-time work. (917) 667-4307

Hairdressers, salons, SPA

Near Long Island, work as a hairdresser, full/part-time, good conditions. (516) 225-3031
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