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Spell in New York Love Spell Clairvoyant Zinaida Nikolaevna

Contact by phone +79139748821 WhatsApp Fortune Teller Grandma Vedunya Zinaida Nikolaevna has been helping people for more than 45 years! Ancestral Magic! Rituals and Rituals, time-tested! 100% result! Effective Love Spell Ritual wedding for a happy marriage Help in returning a spouse to the family Diagnosis of love compatibility Return of a loved one Lapel of a rival, homewrecker Sexual attachment Removing damage to relationships Removing the crown of celibacy Getting rid of loneliness Family reunification Removing damage, evil eye, love spell Elimination of negative energies, failures Golden ritual for money Expansion of the money channel Rituals for career growth Good job, Flow of clients Lapel from poverty and misfortunes Rituals for selling a house, car, business Rituals for success and good luck in any business Rituals for financial well-being Protection from rivals, competitors Lapel from misfortunes and failures! Diagnostics! Contact us any time! Fortune teller in New York USA, Fortune telling in New York USA, Psychic in New York USA, Medium in New York USA, Clairvoyant in New York USA, Astrology in New York USA, Magic in New York USA, Predictions in New York USA, witch advertisements in New York USA, magician advertisements in New York USA, astrologer advertisements in New York USA, fortune teller advertisements in New York USA, Psychic advertisements in New York USA, Psychic services in New York -York USA, Fortune teller services in New York USA, Fortune teller reviews in New York USA, Fortune teller forum in New York USA, Psychic Forum in New York USA, Forum in New York USA, Fortune teller discussion in New York USA , Magic forum in New York USA, Prompt a fortune teller in New York USA, Prompt a Psychic in New York USA, Prompt a Medium in New York USA, Site Fortune Teller in New York USA, Site Psychic in New York USA, Site Medium in New York USA, Tarot fortune telling in New York USA, Fortune telling online in New York USA

Date Added: 04/27/2024 | Last Updated: 04/27/2024 | Page Views: 10
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I offer a course of healing sessions (training) for healing various diseases (for more information, write to telegram). Free trial session! These techniques heal diseases such as: sinusitis, schizophrenia, mental disorders, sinusitis, asthma, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis C, fibroids, cysts, kidney stones, gallstones, panic attacks, restoration of immunity, nervous disorders. For other diseases please ask. Cleansing from negative magical influences (wax casting - 9 days) is already included in the price + consultation + disk for general healing. Negative magical effects are also neutralized: damage, evil eyes, etc. These techniques are also suitable for healthy people (can be used for prevention against various diseases). The price includes consultation + training course. After completing the course, you yourself practice according to my recommendations, I’ll tell you everything, show you what and how to do during the consultation. The result is felt after the first session. For all questions, please write to telegram

Psychic Healer

Mage.Healer. Opening of the Roads! I work from photos! I carry out diagnostics of the entire human energy structure: the state of energy centers and the degree of opening, fullness and blockages of energy centers (reasons for blockages), the state of subtle bodies, the presence of bindings, damage, curses, stealers. Diagnostics by photo (free), send photos to e-mail: [email protected]. Diagnostics and wax casting. Removing damage, love spells, curses, magical and psychological influences. Severing connections with restless souls, exorcism, eliminating energy outflows and attachments. Restoration of the energy structure, subtle bodies, chakras and harmonization of the life path. Correction of ancestral, personal and reincarnation karma, removal of ancestral vows and curses. Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, promises, removing prohibitions. Installation of protection. Restoring the financial channel! Liberation from fears, negative attitudes, postulates and blocks. Opening of roads. Shaping a new desired future. Tarot consultation. On my website you will find detailed information. Your first session is absolutely free! Post-cleaning support 21 days (24/7). To get in touch, call +19295004103 or send a photo to e-mail: [email protected], or via Telegram or WhatsApp. Psychic Healer Working with photos! Free photo diagnostics, send photos to e-mail: [email protected]. On my website, you will find detailed information about my services. Elimination of the consequences of illness and COVID vaccination. Treatment of oncology and other diseases. Removal of curses, love spells, magical, and psychological influences. Severing ties with restless souls, exorcism, elimination of energy drains and attachments. Restoring energy structures, subtle bodies, chakras, and harmonizing life paths. Correction of ancestral, personal, and reincarnation karma, lifting ancestral vows and curses. Working with past lives: closing contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, communications, removing restrictions. Installation of protection. Release from fears, negative beliefs, postulates, and blocks. Opening new opportunities. Shaping a desirable new future. The first session for you is absolutely free! I also offer support, guidance, training, and consultations for 21 days after the procedures (24/7). For communication, call +19295004103 or send photos to e-mail: [email protected], or through Telegram or WhatsApp.

magical services

18+ Read carefully, everything is laid out here and all your questions already have answers! I perform all rituals white and black and without rollback! To perform any rituals, fortune-telling, diagnostics, I need your photograph. Any photo you have will do; full names and dates of birth will also be required. If you want to order a love spell, you will need a photo of yourself and a photo of the person the love spell is aimed at, as well as his name and date of birth. The age of the photographs is not important. - important! I carry out the ritual within 24 hours and write back how it went. All rituals begin to work on the first day after the ceremony. The result of my work can be seen already in the first days after the ritual. (usually this is a week or two) - (any healing consultations, love spells, lapels, a very wide range of services, call and ask! - I work remotely (from a distance) using photographs, which is very convenient, you don’t need to go anywhere! 1.) diagnostics from photos : this type of service is basic and, as a rule, any communication with a magician begins with it. First, you tell us what worries you :) then together with you we identify the root of the problem and find ways to solve it. If the diagnosis reveals negative programs, breakdowns in the chakras (damage, evil eye, love spell, curses, blessings, egilette and other problems in your life), I eliminate these problems and provide protection. The presence of negative programs affects you and the rituals performed! Viber, whatsapp+79605497965

Чорний Приворот. Із гарантією!

Пишіть відразу у ватсап +79854244056 або телеграми @extrasens_gadalka3 для швидкої відповіді ㅤ Звати мене баба Маша. Я спадкова ворожка, ведунья, білий маг і знахарка в 5 поколінні, біоенергет, екзорцист, досвід у білій магії та цілительстві 42 роки. Є спадкоємицею дару відомої династії ясновидців, ведунь і цілительок Москви. ㅤ Я практикую сільську обрядову та змовну білу магію: 100% безпечну магію. Роблячи свої обряди, я звертаюся за допомогою до Вищих світлих сил: особистих ангелів-охоронців, архангелів та Великих Святих. Застосовую церковну, воскову та стихійну магію, замовляю та проводжу старовинні обряди. Мої обряди та змови авторські та перевірені на практики 4-ма поколіннями моїх предків-ведунів. ㅤ Зніму негативні програми будь-якої давності та складності: пристріт, псування (у тому числі, цвинтарну і на смерть), родове прокляття, вінець безшлюбності, приворот, відворот, присушування, прив'язку. Виганю сутностей та злих духів. Зроблю корекцію карми роду. Після моїх обрядів перед вами відкриються всі двері та дороги, а щастя, успіх та благополуччя стануть назавжди вашими добрими супутниками! ㅤ Проведу дієві ритуали з любовної магії. Допоможу позбутися набридлої самотності, поставлю «маячок привабливості» (посилю ваш магнетизм), зроблю заклик на бажаних коханих (за вашим описом), проведу обряд на швидке та вдале заміжжя/одруження. ㅤ Практику обрядову грошову магію: зроблю розблокування, відкриття та посилення грошового потоку, поставлю код фінансового успіху. ㅤ Врятую раз і назавжди від алкогольної, наркотичної та тютюнової залежностей. ㅤ І багато іншого. Пишіть, я поможу!

Екзорцист. Цілитель. Ліцензія

У моїй практиці використовується церемоніальна магія та рейки для забезпечення гарантованого результату. За 36 років своєї роботи успішно використовую магічні практики на благополуччя у особистих відносинах, фінансах та критичних ситуаціях, таких як: раптове погіршення здоров'я з невизначеними проблемами, судові розбіжності, шахрайство, повна криза. До мене ви звернулися один раз та вирішили свої проблеми. 48505228988 What'sApp Viber Telegram [email protected] Більш детальна інформація на моєму сайті.