Ladies Fashion Company in New York is hiring women for modeling, fitting and catalog shooting Part-time work schedule, entry-level English Call 212-290-0010 or write to [email protected] - attach your pictures or link to social media
Cafe on Brighton looking for girl from 30 years old Preparation of coffee, drinks, light snacks and baked goods sales Payment by cash or check 1(347) 493-2812 call for an interview!
Open vacancy. Need a dancer in the cleanest club in the USA (without intimacy, dirt and other crap) We are looking for a new employee. The club PROVIDES FREE HOUSING. $ Earnings from 500 to 1500 dollars per shift. There is an opportunity to get a job without documents and without work experience. Attach to your application immediately: name, age, location, when you are ready to start work. Photo - selfie without filters and a full-length photo. Write: telegram @ladydona What's app +1 305 4239736