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Statuette of lady reading a book to a baby Russia Kornilov brothers factory 1843-1884 year 19th century from the ruble

Досить старовинні статуя хлопчика, що reading book to baby Russian factory of Kornilov brothers 1843-1884 роки 19th century від rubl. Height - 17 cm, length - 20 cm, width - 9 cm. Weight – 1000 gr. Sponge cake, polychrome painting. State - є traces of time that suit her! Scuffs of the paint layer. Antique restoration of lady's right thumb. A relatively inconspicuous gluing of crack in the neck area of a lady. Chipped ribbons of a lady's cap. Antique restoration of missing element chip на top of the chair. Everything is in the photo. TOUGH OLD MAN! Please look at the second statuette Please watch the YouTube video ___________________________________________________________ #porcelain of the Kornilovbrother братів Корнілових

Date Added: 08/02/2023 | Last Updated: 08/02/2023 | Page Views: 82
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