Bensonhurst West5th streetnear Kings Highway • Modern one Bedroom,1st floor, new kitchen, italian tile bathroom, owner pays heat and water. $1900 • Modern 2 Bdr Apart. KIng Bedroom: Custom kitchen with granite counters. Nine new windows, very sunny. $2400 Sav-A-Lot Realty Teamat Remax Edge License Associate Broker Bob 718-757-9141
The owner rents out a large 3 BDR apartment (New York)
Brooklyn, Coney Island Ave/Neck Rd. The owner rents out a large 3-bedroom apartmenton the 3rd floor of a private building. For 2, 3 adult working people (without children). Convenient area, close to shops, metro, bus Rent $2500 per month Call: 646-331-4980