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The perfect listener. About myself in the third person

“... speaking of himself in the third person, the author can allow himself more frankness than that which is possible in the form of a direct confession:“ intimate penetrations and psychological research can in some respects be deepened in the “novel” than even in “ confession. ”In the last author, his“ I ”is embarrassing; there are some complex experiences that cannot be unraveled and shown without a certain kind of indulgence towards oneself ..." "... striving and trying to understand speech is the duty of any listener, otherwise mutual understanding will not take place Understanding is possible only where there is an effort of the listener to understand not only what the other says, but also what he wanted to say, but could not, for one reason or another, and understand what is between the words. it means to understand the subtext that is meant. Understanding, interpretation is a communicative-informational act, a dialogue of two consciousnesses, two individuals, two personalities. " PS Please write a message to Telegram / WhatsApp +79775056449 10 $ rub - 15 minutes

Date Added: 06/13/2020 | Last Updated: 06/13/2020 | Page Views: 126
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