Hiring drivers with TLC licenses and TLC cars to perform pre-scheduled Acces a Ride trips in New York City. Flexible schedule from Sunday to Friday anytime from 5am to 1am in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn. Orders are received in the mobile app one day in advance. 24-hour dispatch support. Payments every Friday to your bank account. Bonus of $100 for 100 completed trips per week, plus every three months a bonus of $500. Depending on the schedule and experience, the driver can earn up to $2000 per week. Requirements: Minimum English and knowledge of the city. Must have a car with TLC plates and a TLC license. Must pass a drug test. No violations or drunk driving. In the absence of a car with plates, assistance in renting. Tel. 929 559 0774
Date Added: 12/29/2024 |
Last Updated: 12/30/2024 |
Page Views: 4
DRIVERS NEEDED for a 3 car hauler transport company! CDL NOT REQUIRED
To the transport company for 3 car hauler (car carrier) DRIVERS WANTED! NO CDL REQUIRED! The newest trucks of 2023 With or without work experience. We train Dispatching 24/7 at the highest level High salary 35 - 40% of gross, from $2,000 to $3,000 per week.Payment on time, weekly 818-532-8048
Teleport Logistics LLC, is recruiting drivers with and without experience. Local and long-distance cargo. Gross depends on how much the driver can drive per day. We travel all over America. Gross $5000-$8000 per week. The driver earns net $1200-2000 per week. Salary every Monday. The truck has a full bed and a compartment for things. Call 3479796690 Roman.
☎ We invite Owner Operators CarHauler on closed and open trailers; ⚠ your own truck and trailer are required ⚠ We offer: ✅ Honest and transparent work with owner operators and drivers; ✅ Factoring; ✅ Weekly payments without delays, no hidden payments; ✅ We conduct training for novice owner operators or drivers + providing work; ✅ A team of dispatchers with many years of experience; ✅ We cooperate with all major Brokers; ✅ Setups with dealers ✅ Fuel cards; ✅ Logbook support 24/7. Our requirements: - accuracy and responsibility; - from 21 years old; - minimal English. - CDL is NOT required - ⚠we are looking for Owner Operators, we are not looking for drivers ⚠ ☎ Call: 786-396-5368 We speak ENG, MD, RUS, UZB, TADJ☎ We invite Owner Operators CarHauler on closed and open trailers
Hello, I’m probably already desperate since I decided to write my story on the Internet. Unfortunately, life forced me to ask for help from people who don’t know me at all. My son lost everything we had in an online casino. By the end of the year I need to return $19,000, but I can’t earn that amount in my homeland, I can barely make ends meet. I want to go to work in another country, to clean. To Israel, although it is not safe there now, I will be able to pay off the debt before the new year and keep the house for myself. I'm looking for a person or people who can help me buy a ticket to Israel. I'm begging. Please, I will return every penny. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I will be glad if someone writes to me and helps me. Good people, please help me, I have no one to turn to, I’m in a deep hole. I am forced to leave in my old age, but I can’t even do this because the road is very expensive. My email is [email protected] paypal.me/Triodog I ask you to give me a helping hand, I won’t forget, I promise