Borough Park Bakery is looking for young English speaking GIRL / LADY to SALES WORK (2pm-8pm) 718 851-0120 Bakery in Borough Park is looking for a girl at the cash register (2pm-8pm) English needed. Call 718 851-0120
Street trading, part-time job ideal candidate is a pensioner who is bored sitting at home, preferably with computer experience, but not necessary. Those who have income but a lot of free time are also suitable Income from sales, percentage. (Guideline from $100 per day, with good communication) Brooklyn areas, subway stations and busy areas. Work under contract, 1099.
From August 12 Man required to a cosmetics warehouse for a full work week, for assembly and delivery Payment by check only. Need to read and write in Russian, have documents for work. Call 718-339-3988 from 9 am to 5 pm Ask Larisa