Vascular & Endovascular Interventions of New York
A typical story and a specialist's opinion
Circulation disease specialist Dr. Lev Khitin answers our readers' questions.
Today we will talk to a patient of Dr. Lev Khitin. Let's call her Tatyana, she is 57 years old. She kindly agreed to tell her story because she believes that her experience can be an example for many women and help them cope with problems and ailments that they have despaired of curing. .
Tatyana: "It all started during pregnancy. Small blue and purple capillaries began to appear above my knees. After giving birth, the capillaries did not disappear, but became even more noticeable. It was impossible to even think about wearing a short skirt or going to the beach. In my native city, and this was before immigration, the doctors prescribed me a course of injections, which did not help at all. In the end, I stopped going to the doctors, because besides the troubles with my appearance, the capillaries did not bother me at that time.
But a few years ago my legs started to swell and "buzz" almost every day. In the evenings I literally could neither walk nor sit. Sometimes this condition became unbearable, my legs ached and burned. I stopped resting altogether.
The tiresome visits to various doctors and even healers began. All in vain. In total, I received several dozen pieces of advice to take vitamins, walk more, prepare for age-related changes in the body, and stock up on painkillers.
Then my ankle became inflamed. I ended up in the hospital, where I took a course of antibiotics and blood thinners. A year later, the inflammation returned. My legs began to swell and hurt very badly. The doctors could not explain the reasons for my suffering..."
Dr. Lev Khitin: "Tatiana's story is quite typical for women of her age who suffer from venous insufficiency. With this disease, the venous blood used by the body, instead of being renewed naturally, stagnates in the legs, and sometimes even disrupts the normal circulation of healthy blood. In this case, the tissues of the legs are fed with used stagnant blood. The results of this process are not long in coming. Due to the influx of venous blood under high pressure, edemas are formed, normal veins turn into varicose veins, microscopic capillaries swell, forming so-called "spider veins". Typical complications of this diseases are not only swelling, but also infections, blood clots, trophic ulcers, bleeding, and even malignant neoplasms. But fortunately, Tatyana did not have to deal with this: a friend brought her to our clinic, where she was examined, diagnosed, and "A course of treatment has been prescribed."
Tatyana: "After I had just one course of treatment, my life changed. The pain and swelling in my legs went away. But in addition to the fact that I was able to quickly return to normal life, the doctor also returned the normal appearance of my legs to me. I "I felt like a full-fledged woman again. Short skirts, high heels, the beach, the pool - I can now afford all this without embarrassment. I am infinitely grateful to my friend who brought me to Dr. Lev Khitin's clinic and, of course, to the doctor himself."
Regardless of the presence of varicose veins, if you find it difficult to walk or even stand, if you are tormented by pain or fatigue in your legs, if you suffer from cramps, swelling or burning, do not wait for your condition to worsen - contact Dr. Chitin's clinic by phone: (718) 372-8346.
Lev Khitin, MD, FACS
Vascular & Endovascular Interventions of New York
Lev Khitin, MD, FAC S
A physician of the highest category in the fields of cardiovascular, thoracic and general surgery. Member of the American Academy of Surgery, Corresponding Member of the American Association of Cardiac Surgeons, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the American Academy of Vascular Medicine, founder and permanent president of the New York Institute for the Treatment of Vein Diseases.
Manhattan, 30 Park Ave, NY, NY 10016
Brooklyn, 406 15th Street
(718) 372-8346