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Work as a driver.

Experienced driver without a license. Work for cash only. I offer cargo and passenger transportation from New York and New Jersey in my 8-seater minivan throughout all states, dropping off and meeting at airports, cruise terminals, etc. I carry out tourist trips throughout the USA.

Date Added: 12/08/2023 | Last Updated: 12/22/2023 | Page Views: 29
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Роботу водієм.

Досвідчений водій без в/п. Робота тільки за готівку. Пропоную вантажопасажирські перевезення з Нью-Йорка та Нью Джерсі на своєму 8-місному мінівені по всіх штатах, відводжу і зустрічаю в аеропортах, круїзних терміналах і т.д. Здійснюю туристичні поїздки США.

Hot Potato House

Hot Potato House
Let your holiday be delicious!
When ordering a banquet menu, get a discount on the bar!
Save 25%
109 Oriental Blvd
(718) 975-7990


The dating club “We are over 50” invites you to an evening

Dating club “We are over 50”
invites you to the evening
February 16 at 7 pm in the restaurant “Lights of Baku”
A delicious banquet, competitions, exciting music, dancing awaits you
We reserve seats, admission is $60.
347-761-9391 Maria. Waiting for you!


Hot Potato House

Hot Potato House
Нехай ваше свято буде смачним!
При замовленні банкетного меню знижка на бар!
Save 25%
109 Oriental Blvd
(718) 975-7990


Cafe Mouette

Cafe Mouette
Our restaurant offers exquisite cuisine and exclusive dishes made exclusively from organic products.
A chef from France will surprise you and your guests with his culinary masterpieces
• The restaurant's doors are open for adults, children's and family events.
• Parties on any theme with designer decoration and gourmet cuisine.
Only we have a unique one that works
• Craft Studio for children of preschool and school age.
Your child can feel like an adult and choose an activity of their own interest. Over 40 licensed classes.
Bring your children and grandchildren, they will have great fun!
2635 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11229