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I will give away the chair bed for free, pick up

Date Added: 04/26/2024 | Last Updated: 04/26/2024 | Page Views: 10
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My story is like this. There were problems with the young man. He began to constantly hang out with friends, very rarely appeared at home, and in the end he finally packed up and went to live with his mother, explaining that he was tired of our relationship. Thank God I found Andrey! To be honest, I was amazed. During the first conversation, we discussed the problem, he clearly told me what happened to me, what caused it, we decided on what could be done and in what order, and I asked for help. During the work, the results were not long in coming. My beloved began to get in touch, apologized, returned home, the relationship improved and he proposed to me. Now I'm married and happily married. I will always be grateful to Andrey! His phone number is +380932169225 You can write to Viber or WhatsApp


У моєму житті був переломний момент коли я не могла знайти вихід і я звернулася до Лілі. Хочу поділитися своєю історією, для тих людей які знаходяться в такій ситуації як у мене. коханці, а за нас навіть і не подумав. Я одразу вирішила що будь-якими шляхами я його поверну. Я звернулася до Лілички. що мене цікавило. Після проведених робіт Лілі мій чоловік повернувся додому! Мій чоловік тепер з нами і у нас міцна сім'я, як і раніше! Кому потрібна допомога пишіть, телефонуйте даю її телефон +380638055486 (дзвонити тільки на вайбер, ватсап, вона завжди відповідає)

Real help. Return of loved ones. Removal of negativity.

I was already desperate to find my love. I thought that I would remain alone for the rest of my life. And I’m already 40 years old, for a girl this is very important. I even developed an inferiority complex. I started looking for the reason why this was happening to me, I found a women’s forum. I I turned to Varya with my problem. I’m ashamed to say... but I didn’t believe an ounce. But... when Varya laid out the cards and started talking about my fate, I was shocked. Everything she told was true. Having looked at the reasons for my loneliness, Varya explained the reasons of my loneliness. In order not to tell you for a long time, Varechka had to work with me, but the results began to appear. I became interesting to men, they began to pay attention to me. Two months ago I was asked out on a date by an employee from a neighboring office, at that moment we in a relationship. Thank you very much Varechka! If you need real help, then contact us without fear! Here is her number +380632574828 Viber/Whatsapp


Ніколи не вірила в магію, поки доля не звела мене з Михайлом. Мій чоловік пішов до коханки, кинувши мене з маленькими дітками на руках. Для мене світ звалився. дала номер Михайла, адже тільки він їй допоміг повернути мого тата. Я йому зателефонувала, переконалася що ситуацію він бачить повністю і знає що робити я довірилася йому, у нього сильна енергетика. Називає імена, описує ситуацію. Пообіцяв що такого не повторитися. Я звичайно ж його пробачила і дуже була рада що він повернувся! Я дуже вдячна Михайлу!

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