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established business in the field of agriculture in Georgia

An established business in the agricultural sector in Georgia is offered for sale. Almond and nut garden, located about half an hour from Tbilisi. Area 4.5 hectares; number of almonds - 1400 trees; nuts - 100. Planting date: November 2016. The area is fenced with chicken wire and barbed wire. An irrigation system (drip irrigation) has been established. On the territory there is an artificial reservoir of about 1500 sq. m. in which several varieties of fish are bred. There are premises for security, leisure and storage. The territory is monitored by video cameras. The necessary equipment is available for processing the land and products. The territory is allocated 400 sq.m. for the construction of a housing complex with the corresponding cadastral code. Cost of 1 sq. m. $16.50

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