Handyman (хендімен), збирач меблів, майстер на годину. Досвід є. Розбирання/складання будь-яких меблів. Існує інструмент. Малярні роботи. Будь-який дрібний ремонт.
Date Added: 08/27/2023 |
Last Updated: 08/27/2023 |
Page Views: 1127
furnished 1 bedroom in Gravesend after renovation (New York)
Furnished one-bedroom apartment in Gravesend (ave Y and West St). Just renovated, with new appliances. Suitable for 1-2 people. $2100/mon. No R/E text: 718-236-3188
I will rent 1Bdr-2Bdr from the Owner Brighton Beach\Sheepshead Bay (New York)
I will rent a house for myself, without intermediaries. Two working adults and a schoolchild. Brighton Beach area or southern Sheepshead Bay. Call after 6:00 PM or send a message and I will call you back during the day.